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Examples of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)

Cake Eating Problem

The agent's state is their wealth (amount of cake), and their action is how much to consume in the current period. Time is discrete and infinite (the problem goes on forever), and state transitions are deterministic (there is no randomness).

The state space and action space are each infinite (which tends to make a problem difficult) but only one dimensional (which makes a problem simple: there is no curse of dimensionality). Interestingly, the cake eating problem can be solved (exactly) by hand, with pen and paper, and this means we can compare approximate numerical solutions to the true solution and see how our MDP solver performed.

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Value Function

Windy Gridworld


This problem is loosely based on Figure 4.2 and on Example 6.5 in Reinforcement Learning by Sutton and Barto.

Value and Policy Functions

Value and Policy Functions

The agent's state is their (x, y) location on a grid, and the actions are {stay, left, right, down, up}. The problem is episodic, and ends when the agent reaches the target location (the X in the image above). The reward is -1 in every period, so the agent's goal is to reach the target in as few moves as possible.

There are two complications that make the problem interesting:

  • Certain positions are "passable obstacles" (denoted by red circles in the image above), and these are very costly (the reward is -10 ; you can imagine the agent getting "stuck" for 10 moves if they walk into one of these locations).
  • There is random "wind" in the up-down direction (y axis), which sometimes pushes the agent either up or down beyond their intended move. This means the agent might be pushed into a costly obstacle if they are either directly above or beneath it. Notice that the optimal policy (black arrows in the figure above) involves circumventing the obstacles by a wide margin in the y direction.

The addition of randomness (the wind) changes the solution in subtle ways:

  • In the non-stochastic version of the problem (i.e. without wind), there are many more ties in the policy function (i.e. points in the state space at which there are multiple optimal actions). There exist multiple paths of equal length that avoid the obstacles and reach the target point in an optimal number of steps, and the agent has no reason to prefer one such path above another. Adding wind breaks most (but not all) ties: with wind, the agent generally prefers to remain far from the obstacles (to reduce the probability of being blown into one), but also has the possibility of using the wind advantageously (by moving horizontally and letting the wind move the agent vertically).

  • The value function is generally lower with wind (because the agent now faces the risk that they will hit an obstacle, even when they act optimally), but at certain values of the wind probabilities and at certain points in the state space, the reverse can be true.

  • It is sometimes optimal for the agent to walk straight towards the obstacle!






Examples of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs)






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