Notes to self about adding an ESP8266 running Tasmota to an IKEA VINDRIKTNING
Open case. During modification, check if every still fits in case.
Stick double sided tape on metal part of AI-THINKER ESP8266MOD (ESP-12E). Stick onto sticker of fan.
Solder AMS1117-3.3 somewhere on the PCB so that it is not in the way of the fan. Over the V2.0
marking seems to be a good spot and you can scratch the PCB exposing GND. Use kapton tape to isolate other pins.
Solder wires and components using this schematic:, but change C1 from 100n to 100uF.
Flash Release
of tasmota4M.bin
using Tasmotizer and serial connections from:
This firmware lacks support for the IKEA VINDRIKTNING, but we will add it later using a custom OTA firmware.
Use 2 metal tweezers instead of buttons to connect GPIO0 and reset to GND.
Try connecting to Tasmota and configuring your WiFi.
Connect D5 (GPIO14) of ESP8266 to REST of sensor PCB with a 1K resistor in series.
You should now have something resembling the photo above. Carefully close the case.
Compile your own version of Tasmota (for example release v12.2.0) that includes USE_VINDRIKTNING
(see user_config_override.h), use the tasmota4M
target. Flash the resulting binary (./build_output/firmware/tasmota4M.bin.gz
) onto the ESP8266 using the firmware upgrade functionality in the web interface.
After update configure Module type
Generic (18)
and D5 GPIO14
Done! Go configure options to send the measurements over to some domotica system.
You could go overboard and add more sensors to the same case, the i2c pins are free to use.