Simple::Accessor - very simple, light and powerful accessor
package Role::Color;
use Simple::Accessor qw{color};
sub _build_color { 'red' } # default color
package Car;
# that s all what you need ! no more line required
use Simple::Accessor qw{brand hp};
with 'Role::Color';
sub _build_hp { 2 }
sub _build_brand { 'unknown' }
package main;
my $c = Car->new( brand => 'zebra' );
is $c->brand, 'zebra';
is $c->color, 'red';
Simple::Accessor provides a simple object layer without any dependency. It can be used where other ORM could be considered too heavy. But it has also the main advantage to only need one single line of code.
It can be easily used in scripts...
Create a package and just call Simple::Accessor. The new method will be imported for you, and all accessors will be directly accessible.
package MyClass;
# that s all what you need ! no more line required
use Simple::Accessor qw{foo bar cherry apple};
You can now call 'new' on your class, and create objects using these attributes
package main;
use MyClass;
my $o = MyClass->new()
or MyClass->new(bar => 42)
or MyClass->new(apple => 'fruit', cherry => 'fruit', banana => 'yummy');
You can get / set any value using the accessor
is $o->bar(), 42;
is $o->bar(), 51;
You can provide your own init method that will be call by new with default args. This is optional.
package MyClass;
sub build { # previously known as initialize
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
You can also control the object after or before its creation using
sub _before_build {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
sub _after_build {
my ($self, %opts) = @_;
bless $self, 'Basket';
You can also provide individual builders / initializers
sub _build_bar { # previously known as _initialize_bar
# will be used if no value has been provided for bar
sub _build_cherry {
You can even use a very basic but useful hook system. Any false value return by before or validate, will stop the setting process. Be careful with the after method, as there is no protection against infinite loop.
sub _before_foo {
my ($self, $v) = @_;
# do whatever you want with $v
return 1 or 0;
sub _validate_foo {
my ($self, $v) = @_;
# invalid value ( will not be set )
return 0 if ( $v == 42);
# valid value
return 1;
sub _after_cherry {
my ($self) = @_;
# use the set value for extra operations
None. The only public method provided is the classical import.
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