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Update 49 npm dependencies
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* @atomist/slack-messages > 1.2.1
* @octokit/rest > 16.43.2
* @types/body-parser > 1.19.0
* @types/cors > 2.8.9
* @types/cross-spawn > 6.0.2
* @types/express > 4.17.11
* @types/fs-extra > 8.1.1
* @types/lodash > 4.14.168
* @types/micromatch > 3.1.1
* @types/node > 12.19.16
* @types/passport > 1.0.6
* @types/passport-http-bearer > 1.0.36
* @types/power-assert > 1.5.3
* @types/semver > 6.2.2
* @types/shelljs > 0.8.8
* @types/uuid > 3.4.9
* @types/ws > 6.0.4
* apollo > 2.32.1
* apollo-cache-inmemory > 1.6.6
* apollo-client > 2.6.10
* asciify > 1.3.5
* chokidar > 3.5.1
* express-session > 1.17.1
* flat > 4.1.1
* git-url-parse > 11.4.4
* graphql > 14.7.0
* graphql-tag > 2.11.0
* graphql-tag-pluck > 0.8.7
* graphql-tools > 4.0.8
* helmet > 3.23.3
* hot-shots > 6.8.7
* https-proxy-agent > 3.0.1
* isbinaryfile > 4.0.6
* logform > 2.2.0
* passport > 0.4.1
* portfinder > 1.0.28
* source-map-support > 0.5.19
* typescript > 4.1.3
* uuid > 3.4.0
* winston > 3.3.3
* winston-transport > 4.4.0
* ws > 7.4.3

Development Dependencies

* @types/statsd-client > 0.4.1
* axios-mock-adapter > 1.19.0
* config > 3.3.3
* mocha > 7.2.0
* statsd-client > 0.4.5
* ts-node > 9.1.1
* typedoc > 0.19.2

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atomist-bot authored and David Dooling committed Feb 9, 2021
1 parent ce2e5ac commit 6040997
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