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mvorisek committed Sep 17, 2023
1 parent 1999c98 commit f9c4c42
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 71 deletions.
154 changes: 83 additions & 71 deletions tests/AppTest.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,108 +67,120 @@ public function testUnexpectedOutputLateError(): void

public function provideUrlBuildingCases(): iterable
public function provideUrlCases(): iterable
// simple cases
yield ['/', [], [], '/index.php'];
yield ['/test/', [], [], '/test/index.php'];

// simple cases with query args in request
yield ['/?test=atk4', [], [], '/index.php?test=atk4'];
yield ['/test/?test=atk4', [], [], '/test/index.php?test=atk4'];

// simple cases with extra query args in request
yield ['/?test=atk4', [], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], '/index.php?extra_args=atk4&test=atk4'];
yield ['/test/?test=atk4', [], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], '/test/index.php?extra_args=atk4&test=atk4'];

// simple cases with page as string
yield ['/', 'test', [], 'test.php'];
yield ['/', 'test/test/a', [], 'test/test/a.php'];
yield ['/', 'test/index', [], 'test/index.php'];
yield ['/test/', 'test/index', [], 'test/index.php'];
yield ['/', '/index.php', [], '/index.php'];
yield ['/request-url', '/request-url', [], '/request-url.php'];
yield ['/request-url/', '/request-url/', [], '/request-url/index.php'];
yield ['/test/', '/test/', [], '/test/index.php'];

// simple cases with page as array with 0 => string
yield ['/', ['test'], [], 'test.php'];
yield ['/', ['test/test/a'], [], 'test/test/a.php'];
yield ['/test/', ['test/index'], [], 'test/index.php'];

// query args in page cases
yield ['/', ['test', 'extra_args' => 'atk4'], [], 'test.php?extra_args=atk4'];
yield ['/', ['test/test/a', 'extra_args' => 'atk4'], [], 'test/test/a.php?extra_args=atk4'];
yield ['/test/', ['test/index', 'extra_args' => 'atk4'], [], 'test/index.php?extra_args=atk4'];

// extra query args cases
yield ['/', ['test'], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], 'test.php?extra_args=atk4'];
yield ['/', ['test/test/a'], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], 'test/test/a.php?extra_args=atk4'];
yield ['/test/', ['test/index'], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], 'test/index.php?extra_args=atk4'];

// query args in page cases and query args in request cases and extra query args cases
yield ['/?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4', ['test', 'page_args' => 'atk4'], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], 'test.php?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4'];
yield ['/?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4', ['test/test/a', 'page_args' => 'atk4'], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], 'test/test/a.php?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4'];
yield ['/test/?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4', ['test/index', 'page_args' => 'atk4'], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], 'test/index.php?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4'];
yield ['/?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4', ['test', 'page_args' => 'atk4', 'check_unset_page' => false], ['extra_args' => 'atk4'], 'test.php?extra_args=atk4&query_args=atk4&page_args=atk4'];
foreach (['/', '/page.html', '/d/', '/0/index.php'] as $requestPage) {
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x'], [], 'x.php'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['0'], [], '0.php'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['/x/y/z'], [], '/x/y/z.php'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x.php'], [], 'x.php'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x.html'], [], 'x.html'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['index'], [], 'index.php'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['index.php'], [], 'index.php'];
yield [$requestPage . '?u=U', [], ['x'], [], 'x.php'];
yield [$requestPage . '?index.php', [], ['x'], [], 'x.php'];

// /w page autoindex
yield [$requestPage, [], ['/'], [], '/index.php'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['/0/0/'], [], '/0/0/index.php'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['a.b c/'], [], 'a.b c/index.php'];
yield [$requestPage . '?u=U', [], ['x/'], [], 'x/index.php'];

// /w page args
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x', 'foo' => 'a'], [], 'x.php?foo=a'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x', 'foo' => 'a', 'bar' => '0'], [], 'x.php?foo=a&bar=0'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x', 'foo' => ''], [], 'x.php?foo='];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x', 'foo' => 'a b'], [], 'x.php?foo=a%20b'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x.html', 'foo' => 'index.php'], [], 'x.html?foo=index.php'];
yield [$requestPage . '?u=U', [], ['x', 'foo' => 'a'], [], 'x.php?foo=a'];

// /w extra args
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x'], ['foo' => 'a'], 'x.php?foo=a'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x'], ['foo' => 'a', 'bar' => '0'], 'x.php?foo=a&bar=0'];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x'], ['foo' => ''], 'x.php?foo='];
yield [$requestPage, [], ['x'], ['foo' => 'a b'], 'x.php?foo=a%20b'];
yield [$requestPage . '?u=U', [], ['x'], ['foo' => 'a'], 'x.php?foo=a'];

// /w sticky args
yield ['/?u=U&v=V', ['v' => true], ['x'], [], 'x.php?v=V'];
yield ['/?u=U&v=V', ['v' => true], ['x', 'foo' => 'a'], [], 'x.php?v=V&foo=a'];
yield ['/', ['v' => true], ['x'], [], 'x.php'];
yield ['/?v=V', ['v' => false], ['x'], [], 'x.php'];
yield ['/', ['v' => false], ['x', 'v' => 'a'], [], 'x.php?v=a'];
yield ['/', ['v' => false], ['x'], ['v' => 'a'], 'x.php'];

// /wo page path
yield ['/x', [], [], [], '/x.php'];
yield ['/d/x.html', [], ['foo' => 'a'], [], '/d/x.html?foo=a'];
yield ['/?u=U&v=V', ['v' => true], [], [], '/index.php?v=V'];

// args priority
yield ['/', [], ['x', 'foo' => 'a'], ['foo' => 'b'], 'x.php?foo=a'];
yield ['/?foo=sticky', ['foo' => true], ['x', 'foo' => 'page'], ['foo' => 'extra'], 'x.php?foo=page'];
yield ['/?foo=sticky', ['foo' => true], ['x'], ['foo' => 'extra'], 'x.php?foo=sticky'];

* @dataProvider provideUrlBuildingCases
* @dataProvider provideUrlCases
* @param string|array<0|string, string|int|false> $page
* @param array<string, string> $extraRequestUrlArgs
* @param array<string, bool> $appStickyGetArguments
* @param array<0|string, string|int|false> $page
* @param array<string, string> $extraRequestUrlArgs
public function testUrlBuilding(string $requestUrl, $page, array $extraRequestUrlArgs, string $exceptedStd): void
public function testUrl(string $requestUrl, array $appStickyGetArguments, array $page, array $extraRequestUrlArgs, string $exceptedUrl): void
$factory = new Psr17Factory();
$request = $factory->createServerRequest('GET', '' . $requestUrl);

$stickyGetArguments = array_merge([
'__atk_json' => false,
'__atk_tab' => false,
], $request->getQueryParams());
$request = (new Psr17Factory())->createServerRequest('GET', 'http://xxx' . $requestUrl);

$app = $this->createApp([
'request' => $request,
'stickyGetArguments' => $stickyGetArguments,
'stickyGetArguments' => $appStickyGetArguments,

self::assertSame($exceptedStd, $app->url($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));
self::assertSame($exceptedStd, $app->jsUrl($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));
self::assertSame($exceptedUrl, $app->url($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));
$pageAssocOnly = array_diff_key($page, [true]);
self::assertSame($exceptedUrl, $app->url(($page[0] ?? '') . (count($pageAssocOnly) > 0 ? '?' . implode('&', array_map(fn ($k) => $k . '=' . $pageAssocOnly[$k], array_keys($pageAssocOnly))) : ''), $extraRequestUrlArgs));
self::assertSame($exceptedUrl, $app->jsUrl($page, array_merge(['__atk_json' => null], $extraRequestUrlArgs)));

$makeExpectedUrlFx = static function (string $indexPage, string $ext) use ($page, $exceptedStd) {
return preg_replace_callback('~((?<=/)index)?(\.php)(?=\?|$)~', static function ($matches) use ($page, $indexPage, $ext) {
if ($matches[1] !== '' && !preg_match('~/index(\.php)?(?=\?|$)~', is_string($page) ? $page : ($page[0] ?? ''))) {
$remakeExpectedUrlFx = static function (string $indexPage, string $ext) use ($page, $exceptedUrl) {
return preg_replace_callback('~^[^?]*?\K([^/?]*)(\.php)(?=\?|$)~', static function ($matches) use ($page, $indexPage, $ext) {
if ($matches[1] === 'index' && !preg_match('~(^|/)index(\.php)?(?=\?|$)~', $page[0] ?? '')) {
$matches[1] = $indexPage;
if ($matches[2] !== '' && !preg_match('~\.php(?=\?|$)~', is_string($page) ? $page : ($page[0] ?? ''))) {
$matches[2] = $ext;
if ($matches[2] !== '' && !preg_match('~\.php(?=\?|$)~', $page[0] ?? '')) {
$matches[2] = $matches[1] !== '' ? $ext : '';

return $matches[1] . $matches[2];
}, $exceptedStd, 1);
}, $exceptedUrl, 1);

$app = $this->createApp([
'request' => $request,
'stickyGetArguments' => $stickyGetArguments,
'stickyGetArguments' => $appStickyGetArguments,
'urlBuildingIndexPage' => 'default',
'urlBuildingExt' => '.php8',

$exceptedCustom = $makeExpectedUrlFx('default', '.php8');
self::assertSame($exceptedCustom, $app->url($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));
self::assertSame($exceptedCustom, $app->jsUrl($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));
$exceptedUrlCustom = $remakeExpectedUrlFx('default', '.php8');
self::assertSame($exceptedUrlCustom, $app->url($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));

$app = $this->createApp([
'request' => $request,
'stickyGetArguments' => $stickyGetArguments,
'stickyGetArguments' => $appStickyGetArguments,
'urlBuildingIndexPage' => '',
'urlBuildingExt' => '',
$exceptedRouting = $makeExpectedUrlFx('', '');
self::assertSame($exceptedRouting, $app->url($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));
self::assertSame($exceptedRouting, $app->jsUrl($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));
$exceptedUrlAutoindex = $remakeExpectedUrlFx('', '');
self::assertSame($exceptedUrlAutoindex, $app->url($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));

$app = $this->createApp([
'request' => $request,
'stickyGetArguments' => $appStickyGetArguments,
'urlBuildingIndexPage' => '',
'urlBuildingExt' => '.html',
$exceptedUrlAutoindex2 = $remakeExpectedUrlFx('', '.html');
self::assertSame($exceptedUrlAutoindex2, $app->url($page, $extraRequestUrlArgs));

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