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JiSE: Java in S-Expression

Clojars Project CircleCI

JiSE is a Clojure DSL library that compiles a Java-like language into JVM bytecode at macroexpansion time.


Using JiSE, you can:

  • Write imperative code that is compiled to JVM bytecode as efficient as written in Java
    • You can use assignment, (nested) loops, (labeled) break/continue, etc.
  • Define your own Java class in a cleaner way than using gen-class or proxy
  • Combine JiSE code with Clojure in a function- or expression-level of granularity
  • Find more errors at compile time due to its static typing
  • Extend JiSE syntax with Clojure's ordinary macros
    • Existing Clojure macros can also be used seamlessly from JiSE, such as ->, .. and with-open


Add the following to your project :dependencies:

Clojars Project

If you would rather use an unstable version of the library via Clojure CLI tool, add the following to your deps.edn instead:

 :deps {...
        athos/jise {:git/url ""
                    :sha "<commit sha>"}


(require '[jise.core :refer [defclass]])

(defclass Counter
  (def ^int c)
  (defm Counter [^int c]
    (set! (.-c this) c))
  ^:public ^int
  (defm inc []
    (inc! (.-c this))))

;; You can use the defined class (`Counter`) as an ordinary Java class
(def c (Counter. 10))
(.inc c) ;=> 11
(.inc c) ;=> 12
(.inc c) ;=> 13

;; Also, you can even write quite imperative code easily as follows:

(defclass Qsort
  ^:public ^:static
  (defm qsort [^{:tag [int]} xs]
    (qsort xs 0 (- (alength xs) 1)))

  ^:private ^:static
  (defm qsort [^{:tag [int]} xs ^int left ^int right]
    (when (< left right)
      (let [p (aget xs (/ (+ left right) 2))
            l left
            r right]
        (while (<= l r)
          (while (< (aget xs l) p) (inc! l))
          (while (> (aget xs r) p) (dec! r))
          (when (<= l r)
            (let [tmp (aget xs l)]
              (aset xs l (aget xs r))
              (aset xs r tmp)
              (inc! l)
              (dec! r))))
        (qsort xs left r)
        (qsort xs l right)))))

(def arr (int-array [3 1 4 1 5 9 2]))
(Qsort/qsort arr)
(seq arr)
;=> (1 1 2 3 4 5 9)

For a more practical example, see also AOBench code written in JiSE.

Supported Java features

  • class definition
  • inheritance & interface implementation
  • constructor definition
  • field & method definition
    • non-static fields & methods
    • static fields & static methods
    • method overloading
    • variable arity methods
  • various modifiers
    • access control (public / protected / private)
    • abstract
    • final
    • transient
    • volatile
    • synchronized
  • initializer & static initializer
  • primitive arithmetics
  • logical expressions
  • assignments
  • increments & decrements
  • conditionals (if / switch)
  • loops (while / for / enhanced for / break / continue)
  • return
  • arrays (including multi-dimensional arrays)
  • casting
  • string concatenation
  • auto-boxing & auto-unboxing
  • constructor invocation (including explicit this() / super() invocation)
  • field access
  • method invocation (including variable arity method invocation)
  • exception handling (try / catch / finally / throw)

Not supported Java features

  • interface definition
  • enum definition
  • nested class definition
    • member classes
    • local classes
    • anonymous classes
  • synchronized blocks
  • annotations
  • generics
  • lambda expressions
  • method references


Copyright © 2019 Shogo Ohta

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at


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