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Atian Tools


My set of tools. The code is more important than the features, so feel free to reuse it. 🙂


Table of contents

GSC Compiler/Decompiler

Supported game

Name Rev Decompiler Compiler Type(s) Source*
Black Ops 3 (T7) 1B Partial pc ate47/bo3-source
Black Ops 3 (T7) 1C pc,ps4 ate47/bo3-source
Black Ops 4 (T8) 31 ps4 ate47/oldcod-source
Black Ops 4 (T8) 34 ps4 ate47/oldcod-source
Black Ops 4 (T8) 35 Partial pc None
Black Ops 4 (T8) 36 pc,ps4 ate47/bo4-source
Black Ops Cold War (T9) 37 Dc pc,ps4,alpha ate47/bocw-source
Black Ops Cold War (T9) 38 Dc pc,ps4 ate47/bocw-source
Modern Warfare III (JUP) 8A pc ate47/mwiii-source
Modern Warfare III (JUP) 8B Dc pc ate47/mwiii-source
Black Ops 6 (T10) 06 Dc & Ex alpha ate47/bo6-source
Black Ops 6 (T10) 07 Dc & Ex Ex - ate47/bo6-source
Black Ops 6 (T10) 0B Dc & Ex Ex - ate47/bo6-source
Black Ops 6 (T10) 0C Dc & Ex Ex - ate47/bo6-source
Black Ops 6 (T10) 10 Dc & Ex Ex - ate47/bo6-source
  • * : Some source repositories might not be public yet.
  • Dc: With pre-decode, see the GSC Decrypter section.
  • Ex: With extensions, The extensions aren't provided publicly, at least not by me.


# Compile gsc file

acts gscc <input.gsc> -g <game> (-p <type>)

# Example
# Compile my_script.gsc into a cold war script
acts gscc my_script.gsc -g cw

# Compile my_script.gsc into a cold war script for ps4
acts gscc my_script.gsc -g cw -p ps4
# Decompile gsc file
acts gscd <input.gscc> -g (-t <type>)

# Example

# Decompile the script compiled.gscc
acts gscd compiled.gscc -g

# Decompile the script compiled.gscc from a ps4 dump
acts gscd compiled.gscc -g -t ps4


Supported pools

  • Black Ops 3: scriptbundle, stringtable, structuredtable, rawfile, scriptparsetree.

  • Black Ops 4: weapon, customizationtable, rawfile, stringtable, structuredtable, ddl, scriptparsetree, scriptparsetreeforced, scriptbundle, scriptbundlelist, ttf, bgcache, maptable, maptablelist, maptableloadingimages, maptablepreviewimages, playerrolecategory, playerrolecategorytable, gametypetable, unlockableitem, unlockableitemtable, playlists, hierarchicaltasknetwork, storagefile, storagefilelist, storeproduct, storecategory, storecategorylist, rank, ranktable, prestige, prestigetable, labelstore, labelstorelist, rawstring.

  • Black Ops Cold War (DEC): rawfile, rawfilepreproc, rawtextfile, stringtable, scriptparsetree, scriptbundle.

  • Modern Warfare 2019 (COR): scriptfile.

  • Modern Warfare III (COR): gscobj, scriptbundle, stringtable, localize, luafile, ddl.

  • Black Ops 6 (COR): gscobj, scriptbundle, stringtable, localize, ddl.

  • DEC: Requires pre-decode

  • COR: Using Cordycep.


# Command
acts dp <pool>

# Example
acts dp stringtable

Some dumpers are writing to Compiled Files (.cf), the command cfd (cf dump) can extract them.

# Command
acts cfd <files>

# Example
acts cfd output_dump

GSC Decrypter

For the games after cw, the function to decrypt the strings isn't integrated inside acts. The scripts should be decrypted before giving them to the decompiler.

This method requires a dumped exe of the game and will execute it.

# Decrypt the scripts
acts scripts_decrypt <dumped game executable> <game> <encrypted dump> <output dir>

# Example with a cw dump
acts scripts_decrypt BlackOpsColdWar_dump.exe cw gsc_dump gsc_dump_dec


Prototype libary for random stuff, probably not linked to Call of Duty.


This tool is using and providing different dependencies, see for a full list.


You can download the latest release here:

Related repositories


To have a lookup over the extracted hashes, you can use a file named strings.txt when using the process, it will be loaded automatically, one string per line.

You can also use .wni compiled files, create a directory with the name package_index and put the .wni files in it.

The tool download_hash_index allows to download the latest hash index from ate47/HashIndex.
