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Jade Tree Backend

Backend API server for the Jade Tree budgeting platform. The API server is a Flask which interfaces to an SQLalchemy database. Full documentation is coming soon.

Quick Start

Install Docker and Docker Compose for your platform. Then run the following commands to clone the Jade Tree repository and run a local instance of Jade Tree on your machine. Note that the database migration only has to be done once to set up a fresh database or to upgrade a database to the latest schema.

$ git clone jadetree
$ docker-compose -f jadetree/docker-compose.yml up -d
$ docker-compose -f jadetree/docker-compose.yml \
    exec backend /home/jadetree/ db upgrade
$ docker-compose -f jadetree/docker-compose.yml restart backend

Then access the Jade Tree instance at http://localhost:8733


Coming Soon

Developing on Apple M1

Jade Tree is developed on an Apple M1 machine; however, the Python cryptography library (specifically the libcffi dependency) is not yet shipping arm64 wheels, so the backend will not run without additional help. The solution found at seems to work, and is what is recommended here. Prerequisites are having Homebrew installed in the default /opt/homebrew location and libffi installed via brew install libffi. Use this process to initialize a new development setup:

# Clone new repository:
$ git clone
$ cd jadetree-backend

# Reinstall cffi:
$ poetry install
$ poetry run python -m pip uninstall cffi cryptography
$ LDFLAGS=-L$(brew --prefix libffi)/lib CFLAGS=-I$(brew --prefix libffi)/include poetry run python -m pip install cffi --no-binary :all:
$ poetry run python -m pip install cryptography

# Ensure tests pass:
$ make test


API Documentation

Coming Soon


The project is licensed under the BSD license.