A kicad project for ESP-WROOM-32 and breadboard.
- esp-wroop-32
- Hirose-microB-USB
- Diode
- transistor MMBT3904
- switch SKRPACE010
- 100uf 1206 condensor
- 10uf 0603 condensor
- 0.1uf 0603 condensor
- 1nf (1000pf) 0603 condensor
- 10k 0603 registor
- led
- Pin socket
- Bread board: akizuki or aliexpress
- CP2102
- NCP1117ST33T3G
ESP32BB is a ESP-WROOM-32 breakout board so you can write your own program by usinig the following tools.
- ESP32-Core-Board-V2_sch.pdf
- esp_wroom_32_datasheet_en.pdf
- Enginursday: First Impressions of the ESP32
- ESP32 Development Board with TELEC Memorial photograph
- DS_FT232R
- SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V
- Sehematic of SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V
- esp32-thing.sch
- The Internet of Things with ESP32
- ESP32-EVB_Rev_A.pdf