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feat: improved branch split algorithm
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Split branches off of pre-determined minima and maxima, therefore able
to allocate the branches in full and decide on which is the upper and
lower after they have been assembled.

The sorted interpolation now also first sets gstar extrema to 0.0 and
1.0 to avoid any erroneous extrapolation.

Toyed around with a few alternative methods for finding the extremal
redshifts when calculating the transfer functions. Some loose end code
in this commit solves using Optim for the extrema, however this is
largely untested and therefore not yet used.
  • Loading branch information
fjebaker committed Apr 2, 2023
1 parent 87f8d29 commit 5e02adb
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 36 deletions.
137 changes: 101 additions & 36 deletions src/transfer-functions/cunningham-transfer-functions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,35 +2,48 @@ function _make_sorted_interpolation(g, f)
I = sortperm(g)
_g = @inbounds g[I]
_f = @inbounds f[I]
# shift the extrema
# todo: interpolate f -> g to find better estimate of what f should be at extrema
_g[1] = zero(eltype(_g))
_g[end] = one(eltype(_g))
DataInterpolations.LinearInterpolation(_f, _g)

function splitbranches(ctf::CunninghamTransferFunction{T}) where {T}
upper_f = T[]
lower_f = T[]
upper_g✶ = T[]
lower_g✶ = T[]
N = (length(ctf.f) ÷ 2) + 1
sizehint!(upper_f, N)
sizehint!(lower_f, N)
sizehint!(upper_g✶, N)
sizehint!(lower_g✶, N)

decreasing = true
g✶previous = 0.0
for (i, g✶) in enumerate(ctf.g✶)
decreasing = g✶previous > g✶
if decreasing
push!(lower_f, ctf.f[i])
push!(lower_g✶, g✶)
push!(upper_f, ctf.f[i])
push!(upper_g✶, g✶)
g✶previous = g✶
# first things first we want to pull out the extremal
# as these values are mutual to both branches, and cap off the
# extrema. this way we avoid any accidental linear extrapolation
# which might occur if N is small

_, imin = findmin(ctf.g✶)
_, imax = findmax(ctf.g✶)
i1, i2 = imax > imin ? (imin, imax) : (imax, imin)

# branch sizes, with duplicate extrema
N1 = i2 - i1 + 1
N2 = length(ctf.f) - N1 + 2
# allocate branches
branch1_f = zeros(T, N1)
branch2_f = zeros(T, N2)
branch1_g✶ = zeros(T, N1)
branch2_g✶ = zeros(T, N2)

for (i, j) in enumerate(i1:i2)
branch1_f[i] = ctf.f[j]
branch1_g✶[i] = ctf.g✶[j]
for (i, j) in enumerate(Iterators.flatten((1:i1, i2:length(ctf.f))))
branch2_f[i] = ctf.f[j]
branch2_g✶[i] = ctf.g✶[j]

(lower_g✶, lower_f, upper_g✶, upper_f)
# determine which is the upper branch
# return: (lower_g✶, lower_f, upper_g✶, upper_f)
if branch1_f[2] > branch1_f[1]
branch2_g✶, branch2_f, branch1_g✶, branch1_f
branch1_g✶, branch1_f, branch2_g✶, branch2_f

function interpolate_transfer_function(ctf::CunninghamTransferFunction{T}) where {T}
Expand All @@ -46,9 +59,8 @@ function interpolate_transfer_function(ctf::CunninghamTransferFunction{T}) where

@muladd function _calculate_transfer_function(rₑ, g, g✶, J)
_calculate_transfer_function(rₑ, g, g✶, J) =
@. (1 /* rₑ)) * g * (g✶ * (1 - g✶)) * J

function cunningham_transfer_function(
Expand All @@ -63,12 +75,13 @@ function cunningham_transfer_function(
N = 80,
) where {T}
# add 2 for extremal g✶ we calculate
# Nextrema_solving = fld(N, 4)
# Ndirect = N - 2 * (Nextrema_solving)
Js = zeros(T, N)
gs = zeros(T, N)

θs = range/ 2, 2π + π / 2, N)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(θs)
θ = θs[i]
function _workhorse(θ)
r, gp = find_offset_for_radius(
Expand All @@ -85,9 +98,9 @@ function cunningham_transfer_function(
α = r * cos(θ)
β = r * sin(θ)
g = redshift_pf(m, gp, max_time)
gs[i] = g
Js[i] = jacobian_∂αβ_∂gr(
# use underscores to avoid possible boxing
_g = redshift_pf(m, gp, max_time)
_J = jacobian_∂αβ_∂gr(
Expand All @@ -98,9 +111,29 @@ function cunningham_transfer_function(
redshift_pf = redshift_pf,
(_g, _J)

# sample so that the expected minima and maxima (π and 2π)
# are in the middle of the domain, so that we can find the minima
# and maxima via interpolation
θs = range/ 2, 2π + π / 2, N) |> collect
@inbounds for i in eachindex(θs)
θ = θs[i]
g, J = _workhorse(θ)
gs[i] = g
Js[i] = J

# todo: maybe use a basic binary search optimization here to find
# the extremal g using the ray tracer within N steps, instead of
# relying on an interpolation to find it?
# maybe even dispatch for different methods until one proves itself
# superior

gmin, gmax = infer_extremal(gs, θs, π, 2π)
# gmin, gmax = _search_extremal!(gs, Js, _workhorse, θs, Ndirect, Nextrema_solving)
(gmin, gmax), _ = infer_extremal(gs, θs, π, 2π)

# convert from ∂g to ∂g✶
@. Js = (gmax - gmin) * Js
@inbounds for i in eachindex(Js)
Expand All @@ -114,13 +147,45 @@ function cunningham_transfer_function(
CunninghamTransferFunction(gs, Js, gmin, gmax, rₑ)

# currently unused: find gmin and gmax via GoldenSection
# storing all attempts in gs and Js
function _search_extremal!(gs, Js, f, θs, offset, N)
jmin = offset
function _min_searcher(θ)
@assert jmin <= N + offset
g, Js[jmin] = f(θ)
gs[jmin] = g
jmin + 1

jmax = offset + N
function _max_searcher(θ)
@assert jmax <= 2N + offset
g, Js[jmax] = f(θ)
gs[jmax] = g
jmax + 1
# invert

_, imin = findmin(@view(gs[1:offset]))
_, imax = findmax(@view(gs[1:offset]))

# stride either side of our best guess so far
res_min = Optim.optimize(_min_searcher, θs[imin - 1], θs[imin + 1], GoldenSection(), iterations=N)
res_max = Optim.optimize(_max_searcher, θs[imax - 1], θs[imax + 1], GoldenSection(), iterations=N)
# unpack result, remembering that maximum is inverted
Optim.minimum(res_min), -Optim.minimum(res_max)

function infer_extremal(y, x, x0, x1)
_, y0 = interpolate_extremal(y, x, x0)
_, y1 = interpolate_extremal(y, x, x1)
x0, y0 = interpolate_extremal(y, x, x0)
x1, y1 = interpolate_extremal(y, x, x1)
if y0 > y1
return y1, y0
return (y1, y0), (x1, x0)
return y0, y1
return (y0, y1), (x0, x1)

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