Allow loading of merge templates into a single HTML file.
This plugin requires Bower
If you haven't used Bower before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
bower install angular-combine --save
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your application by adding the correpsonding module:
angular.module('myApp', ['angularCombine']);
Then you need to configure a specific service to help Angular in finding the merged templates. When the templateCache is asked for a template it will use the regex in the first argument to determine if there is a combined file that can be loaded to gather that template. The second argument is the url/path to the combined template to load. Example Below:
angular.module('myApp').config(function (angularCombineConfigProvider) {
angularCombineConfigProvider.addConf(/^views\/admin\//, 'views/admin.html');
angularCombineConfigProvider.addConf(/^views\/otherSubFolder\//, 'views/otherSubFolderMergedTemplates.html');
You can add as many conf as you need.
Angular can load templates within an HTML by parsing script attribute with text/ng-template as type :
<script type="text/ng-template" id="one.html">
<div>This is first template</div>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="two.html">
<div>This is second template</div>
It allows us to use one.html or two.html as partials without having an extra HTTP call.
So, it may be interesting to have a way to merge partials into a single HTML file that would be load once and give access to a bunch of partials.
The difficult part then is to produce the merged filed.
For the record, this plugin follows a Gist Vojta started a while ago :
Chech this Grunt task : grunt-angular-combine. This plugin was made especially for this need : producing the merged HTML file.
You'll find all the documention to use it on the grunt-angular-combine getting started page.
- 0.1.0 : initial version
- 0.1.1 : clean release process (no new feature)
- v0.1.3 : release process is operational with good semserv versioning (no new feature)
- v0.1.4 : distribution available without console (smaller files) + compatibility for Angular > 1.3.6
Before release, don't forget to do a full build !
The project use grunt-release for its versionning an tag process.
Tests in realtime into CLI :
grunt test
Tests into your browser :
grunt jasmine:test:build
Then, open the newly create file _SpecRunner.html into your browser.