This is a Golang library and CLI to parse TODOs in your GO code.
It parses the comments from the AST and extract their TODOs. It can provide valuable information such as the TODO's assignee which can be filtered afterwards.
Most IDEs allow parsing TODOs but they usually have problems with multi line TODOs, can't parse assignees, etc.
This is also a good start for people who want to use AST.
go get -u
$ astitodo -h
Usage of astitodo:
-a string
Only TODOs assigned to this username(s) will be displayed
-e value
Path that will be excluded from the process
-f string
Format to use when outputting TODOs (supported formats: text, csv, json) (default "text")
-o string
Destination for output (can be stdout, stderr or a file) (default "stdout")
A todo is formatted this way:
// TODO<line 1>
// <line 2>
// ...
You can also add an assignee:
// TODO(this is the assignee)<message>
Assume the following file:
package mypackage
// TODO Damn this package seems useless
// Here is a dummy comment
// TODO(asticode) This variable should be dropped
var myvariable int
// TODO(username) This should be renamed
var oops bool
// TODO Damn this function should be rewritten
// Or maybe it should be dropped as well
func UselessFunction() {
var a = 1
go-astitodo <paths to files or dirs>
will give
Message: Damn this package seems useless
File: mypackage/main.go:3
Assignee: asticode
Message: This variable should be dropped
File: mypackage/main.go:6
Assignee: username
Message: This variable should be renamed
File: mypackage/main.go:9
Message: Damn this function should be rewritten
Or maybe it should be dropped as well
File: mypackage/main.go:12
go-astitodo -a asticode <paths to files or dirs>
will output
Assignee: asticode
Message: This variable should be dropped
File: mypackage/main.go:6
astitodo -a user,anotheruser <paths to files or dirs>
will output
Assignee: asticode
Message: This variable should be dropped
File: mypackage/main.go:6
Assignee: username
Message: This variable should be renamed
File: mypackage/main.go:9
You can exclude paths by running
go-astitodo -e path/to/exclude/1 -e path/to/exclude/2 <paths to files or dirs>
You can output CSV by running
go-astitodo -f csv <path to files or dirs>
You can output JSON by running
$ astitodo -f json testdata/ | jq '[limit(1;.[])]'
"Assignee": "",
"Filename": "testdata/excluded.go",
"Line": 3,
"Message": [
"This todo should be ignored as it is in the excluded path"
Use the json
support to filter the data with jq
, then use text templating
to output text
astitodo -f json . | jq '.[] | select(.Assignee=="") | "\(.Filename):\(.Line): \(.Message[0])"'
"encoder.go:33: It does not escape separators from the encoded data."
You can output to a file by running
go-astitodo -o <path to output file> <path to files or dirs>
You know you want to =D