This is my fork of gr-osmosdr.
The primary goal of this fork is to add first class support for Airspy HF+, Airspy R2, and Airspy Mini.
You can select device either via index if you have multiple Airspys.
or via serial (example serial):
- Added multi device support.
- Moving code to modern C++.
- Improved performance in callback and work function.
- Added support for Airspy HF+ AGC.
- Added support for Airspy HF+ LNA.
- Added support for Airspy HF+ Attenuation.
- Improved logging.
- Multi-device support.
- Further clean up.
Please consider sponsoring this work if you find it useful. 100% of proceeds will go to helping a family in Ukraine who lost their home in the invasion.
While primarily being developed for the OsmoSDR hardware, this block as well supports:
- FUNcube Dongle / Pro+ through gr-funcube
- RTL2832U based DVB-T dongles through librtlsdr
- RTL-TCP spectrum server (see librtlsdr project)
- SDRplay RSP through SDRplay API library
- gnuradio .cfile input through libgnuradio-blocks
- RFSPACE SDR-IQ, SDR-IP, NetSDR (incl. X2 option)
- AirSpy Wideband Receiver through libairspy
- CCCamp 2015 rad1o Badge through libhackrf
- Great Scott Gadgets HackRF through libhackrf
- Nuand LLC bladeRF through libbladeRF library
- Ettus USRP Devices through Ettus UHD library
- Fairwaves UmTRX through Fairwaves' module for UHD
- Fairwaves XTRX through libxtrx
- Red Pitaya SDR transceiver (
- FreeSRP through libfreesrp
By using the OsmoSDR block you can take advantage of a common software api in your application(s) independent of the underlying radio hardware.
For installation and usage guidelines please read the documentation available at
For the impatient :) a short excerpt:
The Gnu Radio block requires a recent gnuradio (>= v3.7) to be installed.
Before building the block you have to make sure that all the dependencies (see list of supported devices above) you are intend to work with are properly installed. The build system of gr-osmosdr will recognize them and enable specific source/sink components thereafter.
Please note: prior pulling a new version from git and compiling it, please do a "make uninstall" first to properly remove the previous version.
Building with cmake:
git clone git:// cd gr-osmosdr/ mkdir build cd build/ cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig
NOTE: The osmocom blocks will appear under 'Sources' and 'Sinks' categories in GRC menu.