CSVLibraryAK.Core provides CSV import and export feature in C#.NET Core using Datatable as primary data structure. You can install this library via Nuget packages. You can use this library into your any C#.NET Core 3.1 or above framework supported project that supports Datatable data structure. This library imports CSV file with or without header and with any number of columns into C#.NET Core Datatable structure. The import function will automatically detects the number of columns of the CSV file. Export method will export your data from C#.NET Core Datatable data structure to .csv format file.
Nuget Installation Version 1.0.0: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CSVLibraryAK.Core/
.NET Framework Supported Nuget Library: https://www.nuget.org/packages/CSVLibraryAK/
Copyright (c) Asma's Blog
using CSVLibraryAK.Core;
// Initialization.
bool hasHeader = true;
string importFilePath = "C:\\import.csv";
string exportFilePath = "C:\\export.csv";
// Impot CSV file.
DataTable data = CSVLibraryAK.Import(importFilePath, hasHeader);
// Export CSV file.
CSVLibraryAK.Export(exportFilePath, data);
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