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Pipeline askoR: Parameters Table
Kévin GAZENGEL edited this page Jan 16, 2025
3 revisions
command line | parameters | default | descriptions |
-o or --out
parameters$analysis_name |
DE_analysis | Output directory name (do not put space!) |
-d or --dir
parameters$dir_path |
"." |
Work directory path |
-P or --prj
parameters$projectName |
Asko | Output files prefix |
-f or --fileofcount
parameters$fileofcount |
NULL | Matrix of count for all samples/conditions |
-G or --col_genes
parameters$col_genes |
1 | Column of genes ids in count files |
-C or --col_counts
parameters$col_counts |
7 | Column of counts in count files |
-t or --sep
parameters$sep |
NULL | Field separator for count files or count matrix |
-c or --contrasts
parameters$contrast_file |
NULL | Matrix of different contrasts desired |
-s or --sample
parameters$sample_file |
NULL | File describing the samples |
-a or --annotation
parameters$annotation |
NULL | File containing the genes' annotations |
--ID2GO |
parameters$geneID2GO_file |
NULL | GO annotation files |
-S or --select
parameters$select_sample |
NULL | Selected sampls |
-r or --remove
parameters$rm_sample |
FALSE | Removed samples |
-R or --regex
parameters$regex |
FALSE | Use regex when selecting/removing samples |
command line | parameters | default | descriptions |
--th_cpm |
parameters$threshold_cpm |
0.5 | CPM's threshold |
--rep |
parameters$replicate_cpm |
3 | Minimum of samples pass CPM's threshold |
--norm_factor |
parameters$norm_factor |
FALSE | Generate file with normalize factor values |
--norm_counts |
parameters$norm_counts |
FALSE | Generate files with mormalized counts |
--dens_bottom_mar |
parameters$densbotmar |
20 | Set bottom margin of density plot to help position the legend |
--dens_inset |
parameters$densinset |
0.45 | Set position the legend in bottom density graphe |
--legend_col |
parameters$legendcol |
6 | Set numbers of column for density plot legends |
--palette |
parameters$palette |
Set2 | color palette (ggplot) |
--hm |
parameters$heatmap |
TRUE | Generation of the expression heatmap |
--CompleteHm |
parameters$CompleteHeatmap |
FALSE | Generation of the normalized expression on ALL genes |
--nh |
parameters$numhigh |
50 | Number of genes in the heatmap |
--dclust |
parameters$distcluts |
euclidean | The distance measure to be used : euclidean, maximum, manhattan, canberra, binary or minkowski |
--hclust |
parameters$hclust |
ward.D | The agglomeration method to be used : ward.D, ward.D2, single, complete, average, mcquitty, median or centroid |
command line | parameters | default | descriptions |
-n or --normalization
parameters$normal_method |
TMN | normalization method (TMM/RLE/ upperquartile/none) |
--adj |
parameters$p_adj_method |
fdr | p-value adjust method (holm/hochberg/hommel/ bonferroni/BH/BY/fdr/none) |
--th_FDR |
parameters$threshold_FDR |
0.05 | FDR threshold |
--glm |
parameters$glm |
qlf | GLM method (lrt/qlf) |
--glmDisp |
parameters$glm_disp |
FALSE | Estimate Common, Trended and Tagwise Negative Binomial dispersions GLMs |
--lfc |
parameters$logFC |
TRUE | logFC in the summary table |
--th_lfc |
parameters$threshold_logFC |
1 | logFC threshold |
--fc |
parameters$FC |
TRUE | FC in the summary table |
--lcpm |
parameters$logCPM |
FALSE | logCPm in the summary table |
--fdr |
parameters$FDR |
TRUE | FDR in the summary table |
--sign |
parameters$Sign |
TRUE | Significance (1/0/-1) in the summary table |
--expr |
parameters$Expression |
TRUE | Significance expression in the summary table |
--mc |
parameters$mean_counts |
TRUE | Mean counts in the summary table |
--plotMD |
parameters$plotMD |
FALSE | Mean-Difference Plot (aka MA plot) |
--plotVO |
parameters$plotVO |
FALSE | Volcano plot |
--glimMD |
parameters$glimMD |
FALSE | Glimma - Interactif Mean-Difference Plot (aka MA plot) |
--glimVO |
parameters$glimVO |
FALSE | Glimma - Interactif Volcano plot |
command line | parameters | default | descriptions |
--VD |
parameters$VD |
NULL | Plot VennDiagram, precise type of comparison: all, down, up or both |
--compaVD |
parameters$compaVD |
NULL | Contrast comparison list to display in VennDiagram |
--upset_basic |
parameters$upset_basic |
NULL | Display UpSetR charts for all contrasts, precise type of comparison: all, down, up, mixed. |
--upset_type |
parameters$upset_type |
NULL | Display UpSetR charts for list of contrasts, precise type of comparison: all, down, up, mixed. |
--upset_list |
parameters$upset_list |
NULL | Contrast comparison list to display in UpSetR chart |
command line | parameters | default | descriptions |
--GO |
parameters$GO |
NULL | GO enrichment analysis for gene expressed 'up', 'down', 'both', or NULL |
--GO_algo |
parameters$GO_algo |
weight01 | algorithms which are accessible via the runTest function: "whichAlgorithms()" |
--GO_stats |
parameters$GO_stats |
fisher | statistical tests which are accessible via the runTest function: "whichTests()" |
--GO_threshold |
parameters$GO_threshold |
0.05 | the significant threshold used to filter p-values |
--GO_max_top_terms |
parameters$GO_max_top_terms |
10 | the maximum number of GO terms plot |
--GO_min_num_genes |
parameters$GO_min_num_genes |
10 | the minimum number of genes for each GO terms |
--GO_min_sig_genes |
parameters$GO_sig_genes |
1 | the minimum number of significant genes behind the enriched GO-term |
--Ratio_threshold |
parameters$Ratio_threshold |
0 | the minimum ratio for display GO in graph |
command line | parameters | default | descriptions |
--coseq_data |
parameters$coseq_data |
ExpressionProfiles | set LogScaledData if you want to clusterize on data in transformed in log (ExpressionProfiles is recommended by coseq creators) |
--coseq_model |
parameters$coseq_model |
Normal | Coseq model : Poisson, kmeans or Normal |
--coseq_transformation |
parameters$coseq_transformation |
arcsin | Coseq tranformation : voom, logRPKM, arcsin, logit, logMedianRef, profile, logclr, clr, alr, ilr or none |
--coseq_ClustersNb |
parameters$coseq_ClustersNb |
2:25 | number of clusters desired (2:25 number from 2 to 25) |
--coseq_ContrastsThreshold |
parameters$coseq_ContrastsThreshold |
1 | Coseq number of contrasts in which DE genes are found for clustering |
--coseq_HeatmapOrderSample |
parameters$coseq_HeatmapOrderSample |
FALSE | Set TRUE if you prefer keeping your sample order than clusterizing samples in heatmap |