- 🔭 I am Full Stack Developer (C#,Silverlight,WPF,WCF,Angular,REST API, MS SQL)
- 🌱 I’m currently learning python, machine learning, statistics, and data science.
- 🌏 I am sharing my experience and knowledge through my linkedin posts and github community repo.
- Check out my assignment and project work as a part of iNeuron's Full Stack Data Science 2.0
- programming, python, SQL or data science related queries.
- freelancing related to python, SQL, ML.
- Open Source contribution
I frequently write on Medium and LinkedIn. I keep all my article links, writing resources here: My-Writings.
- Infinity in Python
- Behind the scenes of For Loop
- Python Functions: A beginner’s Guide - Part 1
- Python Functions: A beginner’s Guide - Part 2
- Automated EDA Part 1 : pandas-profiling
- Automated EDA Part 2: AutoViz | Resources
- Automated EDA Part 3: SweetViz | Resources
- Automated EDA Part 4: DataPrep | Resources
- Automated EDA Part 5: D-Tale
- Automated EDA Part 6: Mito
- Automated EDA Part 7: ClfAutoEDA
If you Star this repo I would be much appreciated and motivated to write more meaningful content and contribute to society.