This ansible roles help you create local k8s cluster with one master node and one worker node to VirtualBox infrastructure. What this roles do:
- Disable Selinux, swap and Firewalld
- Install ntpdate package and synchronize time for hosts
- Install iptables and configure rules for it
- Create user for docker and k8s
- Install docker and k8s to all hosts
- Initialize k8s cluster and join node to it
- Deploy CNI
- please configure hostnames for your hosts. The result of the next command should return correct ip address of the host
$ hostname -i
- please sinchronize date and time for all your hosts (preparation role can failed if ntpdate port is in use)
- master node should have at least 2 CPU and 2Gb of memory
- change hosts in hosts.txt file according to your environment
You can also:
- change a lot of default variables in every appropriate file for every role
- use only the roles you need, roles are independent
- by default this cluster use Calico as a CNI, but you can change it in defaults file.
- role iptables open onle default ports for k8s and default ssh port, and close all other inpur rules
- default user for docker and k8s is "test", and config file for kubectl added only for this user (not for root)
All this roles was tested on default VirtualBox virtual machines with CentOS. If you found any mistakes please let me know. I hope this roles help you and save some working time. I have tested this roles on GCP with CentOS 7 images and it works fine, but you need change apiserver-advertise-address in master_k8s role, because GCP engines use two network adapters (internal and external).