AskDOM is a jQuery-inspired JavaScript library enabling easy manipulation of the DOM (Document Object Model). A user can employ it to:
Create a DOMNodeCollection object from an HTML Element
Append or remove elements nested within other elements
Get/set values and attributes on elements, add/remove classes and event listers.
Set functions to be invoked only after the DOM is fully loaded
Simplify the process of making HTTP requests to web APIs
The wrapper $l creates a DOMNodeCollection object (an array of HTML elements) based on what it is wrapping. It can wrap a CSS selector to select its corresponding elements:
$l('.title-image').append("this title");
Or it can wrap an HTML element to give it access to the AskDOM methods, as in the example of 'node' below:
$l('.form').find('div').nodes.forEach(node => {
let k = $l(node).attr("class");
let v = $l(node).find('input').val();
Finally, it can be used to wrap functions as callbacks that will be only be run once the DOM is fully loaded.
$l( () => {
new Demo().run();
Sets the innerHTML of each element in the DOMNodeCollection to the argument string, or gets the innerHTML of the first node in the collection.
Removes the innerHTML for each element in the collection
Adds the argument (a string, HTML element, or DOMNodeCollection) to each node in the collection
$l('.display').append("<div class='info'></div>");
Sets the value attribute for each element in the collection, or gets the value of the first element
Sets the value for a particular attribute for each element in the collection, or gets the value of the attribute for the first element
let k = $l(node).attr("class");
Adds/removes the class specified in the argument from each element in the collection
Creates a new DOMNodeCollection of all the child elements of every element in the collection, or a DOMNodeCollection of the parents of each element in the collection, respectively
Creates a DOMNodeCollection of all the elements matching the argument selector that are descendants of each element in the collection
$l('.form').find('div').append("<input type='text'></input>");
Removes the HTML of all elements in the collection from the DOM and from the collection itself
Adds the event listener and callback specified in the arguments to each element in the collection, or removes them
$l('.form').on('submit', (e) =>{
let dataVals = {};
$l('.form').find('div').nodes.forEach(node => {
let k = $l(node).attr("class");
let v = $l(node).find('input').val();
v = v.split(" ").join("_");
if (v !== "") dataVals[k] = v;
this.fetchData(dataVals, beerList);
Takes an options hash and merges it with default parameters to create a new XMLHttpRequest object. Appends data parameters to a query string for 'GET' requests and returns 'success' and 'error' callbacks.
type: 'GET',
data: dataVals,
url: "",
success(data) {
beerList = JSON.parse(data);
beerList.forEach(beer =>{
$l('.beer-list').append(`<li id=${}>${}</li>`);
document.getElementById('beer-list').scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'});
error() {
console.error("An error occurred.");
To access a demo of the AskDOM library, try HopsToIt, a site where the user can fill out a form selecting their beer preferences, which queries the Punk API and downloads a list of beers matching these criteria.