In order to keep track of all of the new services, applications, documentation, resources, infrastructure, etc. that your teams will continue to create throughout the lifecycles of your intiatives - having an internal developer portal may be a very valuable addition to your platform
To simply check out backstage and see what it has to offer, run the following commands:
yarn install
yarn dev
First we'll build the backstage image locally and make it available for the cluster
yarn build:backend
yarn build-image --tag backstage:1.0.0
kind load docker-image backstage:1.0.0 --name platform
Now let's deploy onto the kind cluster
kubectl create namespace backstage
kubectl create serviceaccount backstage -n backstage
kubectl apply -f backstage/kubernetes/rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f backstage/kubernetes/backstage-secret.yaml
APISERVER=$(kubectl config view --minify -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
kubectl create configmap backstage-cm -n backstage --from-literal=ENDPOINT=$APISERVER
kubectl apply -f backstage/kubernetes/backstage-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f backstage/kubernetes/backstage.yaml
We'll port forward in order to get to the Backstage UI
kubectl port-forward --namespace=backstage svc/backstage 5434:80
Access http://localhost:5434/ on your browser and do some initial exploring.