Machine learning application to predict whether or not to play golf based on Weather conditions.
Web App:
This is a 5 web page presentation using R Markdown that features a Shiny Web App on “Golf Weather”.
There absolutely is such a thing as golf weather, although the specific spectrum of perfectly playable weather conditions depends on where you live and a vast majority of dedicated golfers love cooler weather with low humidity and no breeze (or just a little bit of a breeze).
The aim of this web app is to predict whether to play a game of golf in certain weather conditions. To achieve the objective we will be deploying a Machine Learning - Random Forest Model on the Golf|Weather Dataset.
Info on the Golf|Weather Data:
How to achieve the objective:
- Prepare Data
- Build Random Forest Model
- Design 4 tab panel user interface in the ui.R
- Perform test on the Random Forest model in the server.R for prediction
- The link to my code can be viewed on last page of the presentation