This was a POC - it is unmaintained. if you want to support latest Svelte Tools in Monaco, you might want to look at (Svelte language tools for VSCode Web, communicating using LSP protocol)
This is a port of the VSCode language tools of Svelte frontend framework to the browser based Monaco editor (no server - everything runs on the client side)
- Auto-completion
- Auto-formatting
- Diagnostics - typescript errors, etc...
- Basic Monarch based syntax highlighting (typescript, html, no moustache currently)
- Hover, signature, semantic tokens, doc symbols providers
Notable packages used by this code:
TypeFox/monaco-languageclient - used for VSCode-Monaco protocol conversion
@typescript/vfs used for a virtual Typescript filesystem
snowpackjs/rollup-plugin-polyfill-node Node polyfills
microsoft/monaco-editor Monaco editor which is built from VSCode