Releases: aruttkamp/ioBroker.rct
Releases · aruttkamp/ioBroker.rct
Release v1.2.14
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) removed .npmignore
Release v1.2.13
- (NCIceWolf) Added multiple debugging messages
- (NCIceWolf) Corrected debug messages to be shown as debug, not info
- (NCIceWolf) corrected connection abortion if not successfully established
- (NCIceWolf) elements from inverter are only requested once a connection is successfully established
- (NCIceWolf) added requested and received elements to/from inverter to debug * (NCIceWolf) logging
merged recent dependabot suggestions - (Andreas Ruttkamp) Dependabot suggested updates
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) some Code cosmetics
Release v1.2.12
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) Dependabot suggested updates
- (NCIceWolf) Improving connectivity to inverter
Release v1.2.11
- (NCIceWolf) Tippfehler korrigiert
Release v1.2.10
- (NCIceWolf) some improvements on connect / disconnect
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) Little code corrections
Release v1.2.9
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) wrong type for next_calib_date corrected
Release v1.2.8
- (NCIceWolf) Implementation of new adminUI
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) index_m.html deleted
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) Datatype battery_stack_cycles corrected
- (NCIceWolf) style.css deleted (not needed for json admin)
- (NCIceWolf) removed tab-materialize (leftover from initial adapter creation)
- (NCIceWolf) updated minimum js-controller version to >= 5.0.0 (current: 5.0.19)
- (NCIceWolf) added minimum admin version to >= 5.0.0 (current stable : 6.13.16), could even be >= 6.0.0
- (NCIceWolf) prepared translations (further handling ->
Release v1.2.7
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) prim_sm.state added
- (NCIceWolf) handling of type errors added
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) some Code cleaning
- (NCIceWolf) Update io-package.json
Release v1.2.6
- (Andreas Ruttkamp) unused parameter deleted