PHP class for processing World of Tanks WN8 stat value. This class uses instance of Wargaming\Api and requires to register a Wargaming Developer Application.
It is best to use composer manage dependencies.
use Wargaming\Language\EN;
use Wargaming\Server\EU;
use Wargaming\Api;
use Wargaming\WoT\WN8;
// Include API and WN8 class
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
// NOTICE: Replace YOUR_APPLICATION_ID with your application key.
$language = new EN();
$server = new EU('YOUR_APPLICATION_ID');
$api = new Api($language, $server);
// Test method to get WN8 of player ESL_Gorilla on EU server.
try {
echo 'Calculated WN8 for player [ESL_Gorilla]: '.(string)(new WN8($api, 'ESL_Gorilla'));
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Ups we got an error
- Changed API version support to >1.4.x, NOTICE: You need to use new api instance so be sure to update your code on update!
- Changed Exceptions to RuntimeException
- Updating composer.lock
- Minor code updates.
- Fixed WN8 calculation using expected tank values from modxvm.
- Added test to assure class works as expected.
- Added option to calculate accurate WN8. When this is enabled tanks missing in expected tank values will be removed from account summary. Notice that accurate calculation is from 25% to 35% slower because require stats for each missing tank.
- Also loading expected tank values has been moved to separate method to allow overriding.
- Class published