Docker setup for Finnish CollectiveAccess
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd CollectiveAccess
Let's fetch and start database image:
make create_db
Create volume for media files (collectiveaccess-data)
make create_volume
Finally build and start CollectiveAccess (both Providence and Pawtucket):
make build
make start
Aim your browser to: http://localhost/providence/install
Choose JYU/OSC profile from installation profile lists. Hit start install and wait.
You can stop CollectiveAccess and Mariadb like this:
docker stop collectiveaccess
docker stop mariadb
If you want start them again (eg. after reboot):
docker start mariadb
docker start collectiveaccess
You can enter to a running CA container like this
docker exec -it collectiveaccess bash
Exit is Ctrl + D