Install and run!
$ npm install -g mambacript
$ mamba -c foo.mamba # compile
$ mamba foo.mamba # execute
$ mamba # repl
$ start-mambascript #start a new mambascript project
are compiled by mambascript compiler.
This project is amazing, period. Everything here is exactly what I needed to be added to KOFUJS project in order for it to run the way I want it to run, without having to move over to the clunky TypeScript syntax that I would rather avoid.
- Fixed Bug Causing REPL Not to Function
- Updated CoffeeScript to stable version 2.5+ with JSX support
- Added .mamba file type
- Documentation on Usage with KOFUJS
- Updates to Create MambaJS App
- Make This Mambascript fork the default syntax for KOFUJS
- Discover Additional Bugs
- Make Production Ready
# Concatenate string
present '-------Concatenate string--------'
present 'Concatenate -->', 'con' + 'cat' + 'en' + 'ate'
# typeof operator
present '-------TYPEOF operator--------'
present 'Typeof Operator -->', typeof 'arthur'
# isnt
present '-------ISNT instead of !== --------'
present 'ISNT -->' , 'Love' isnt 'Hate'
# and , && , also
present '------- also --------'
present 'ALSO -->', 5 > 3 also 6 > 5
# or, ||
present '------- or --------'
present 'OR -->', true or false
# not
present '-------NOT--------'
present not true
# is and Booleans
present '------- is and Booleans --------'
present 'Truthy Booleans true, on, yes'
present 'Falsey Booleans false, off, no'
present true is on
present true is yes
present false is off
present false is no
# Types
obj = {
"MambaScript": "JavaScript"
"is": "==="
"isnt": "!=="
"not": "!"
"also": "&&"
"or": "||"
"true yes on": "true"
"false no off": "false"
"@ this": "this"
"of": "in"
"in": "no JS Equivalent"
keys :: String[] = Object.keys obj
forEvery key in keys then present "[#{key}] in MambaScript is equivalent to [#{obj[key]}] in JavaScript" unless key is 'MambaScript'
# Strings
myString :: String = 'arthur'
present myString.split('').reverse().join('')
present typeof myString
# Numbers
myNumber :: Number = 5
present 'myNumber is', myNumber
present myNumber * 2
present myNumber ** 2
present myNumber % 3
present myNumber / 2
# Booleans
myBoolean :: Boolean = yes
present 'myBoolean is', myBoolean
# Objects
myObj =
name: 'arthur'
age: 32
lights: on
hair: true
present myObj
# Arrays
numArr :: Int[] = [1,2,3]
stringArr :: String[] = ['a', 'b', 'c']
otherArr :: Any[] = [1, 'a']
present otherArr
# Loops & Control Flow
forEvery number in [0..12] by 2 then present number
forEvery number in [0..10]
do (number) ->
present number * 3
# eat is a function that accepts a string and returns nothing
eat :: String -> () = (food :: String ) ->
present "yum #{food.toUpperCase()} !!!"
eat food forEvery food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine']
eat food forEvery food in ['toast', 'cheese', 'wine'] when food isnt 'cheese'
# Blueprints
blueprint Human
name :: String
age :: Int
constructor: (age :: Int, name :: String) ->
@name = name
@age = age
blueprint SuperHero inheritsFrom Human
name :: String
age :: Int
powers :: String[]
constructor: (name :: String, age :: Int, powers...) ->
super name, age
@powers = powers
bigArt = new SuperHero 'Big Art', 33, 'flight', 'super strength'
present bigArt
# Functions
# Structs
# Generics
Typed Coffee Script Details CoffeScript Redux Details and Contributors
CoffeeScript with Types.
This repository is heavily under development and unstable. See below milestone.
- Structual Subtyping
- Superset of CoffeeScript
- Easy to replace coffee (pass unannotated coffee)
- Pessimistic type interfaces
To pass dynamic type system, TypedCoffeeScript expects symbol to implicit
node by default. If compiler compares implicit node type and implicit node type and fails, it recover to implicit
n :: Int = 3
x :: Number
x = 3.14
x :: Number?
x = 3.14
x = null
list :: Int[] = [1..10]
listWithNull :: Int?[] = [1, null, 3]
In v0.10
, imperfect to struct.
struct Point
@name :: String
x :: Number
y :: Number
p :: Point = {x: 3, y: 3}
name :: String =
struct Point3d implements Point
z :: Number
TypedCoffeeScript has module system like TypeScript
module A.B
class @C
a :: Int
abc :: A.B.C = new A.B.C
# pre define
f1 :: Int -> Int
f1 = (n) -> n
# annotation
f2 :: Number -> Point = (n) -> x: n, y: n * 2
# multi arguments
f3 :: (Int, Int) -> Int = (m, n) -> m * n
# another form of arguments
f4 :: Int * Int -> Int = (m, n) -> m * n
# partial applying
fc :: Int -> Int -> Int
fc = (m) -> (n) -> m * n
blueprint X
# bound to this
num :: Number
f :: Number -> Number
f: (n) ->
@num = n
x :: X = new X
n :: Number = x.f 3
blueprint Point
x :: Int
y :: Int
struct Size
width :: Int
height :: Int
blueprint Entity inheritsFrom Point implements Size
e :: {x :: Int, width :: Int} = new Entity
# struct
struct Value<T, U>
value :: U
struct Id<A, B>
id :: Value<A, B>
obj :: Id<Int, String> =
value: 'value'
# function type arguments
map<T, U> :: T[] * (T -> U) -> U[]
map = (list, fn) ->
for i in list
list :: String[] = map<Int, String> [1..10], (n) -> 'i'
# blueprint type arguments
blueprint Blueprint<A>
f :: Int -> Int
constructor :: A -> ()
constructor: (a) ->
c = new Blueprint<Int>(1)