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arthurbenemann edited this page Apr 23, 2013 · 1 revision

To enable Offline tiles goto "Settings->Advanced->Use offline maps". I think you will need to re-start the app for it to work. I haven't tested it very much.

The tiles must be placed in the folder "/sdcard/DroidPlanner/Maps/" on your device (if you used the app the folder should already exist). Inside this folder you should place the tiles (in a path like this: "/sdcard/DroidPlanner/Maps/1/0/0.jpg"). You can use Mission Planner to download the files (just zooming the map, or with the prefetch option), The tiles folders will be at "C:\Program Files (x86)\APM Planner\gmapcache\TileDBv3\en\GoogleSatellite" (at least on Win7 64bits).

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