Lovelace is a library designed to act as a Clojure wrapper around Notion's API. It uses clj-http, clojure.spec and cheshire
Available under [org.clojars.arthurbarroso/lovelace "0.1.2"]
(ns cml.core
(:require [ :as search]
[lovelace.blocks.core :as blocks]
[lovelace.pages.core :as pages]
[lovelace.databases.core :as databases]
[lovelace.users.core :as users]))
(def my-token "C")
(def my-db-id "B")
(def my-block-id "D")
(def my-page-id "C")
(def my-user-id "D")
(search/search my-token {:query "Media article"})
(blocks/retrieve-block-children my-token my-block-id 100)
(blocks/append-block-children my-token my-block-id
{:children [{:object "block"
:type "heading_2"
:heading_2 {:text [{:type "text" :text {:content "chiclete"}}]}}]})
(pages/create-page my-token {:parent {:database_id my-db-id}
:properties {:Name {:title [{:text {:content "New Media Article"}}]}}})
(pages/create-page my-token {:parent {:database_id my-db-id}
:properties {:Name {:title [{:text {:content "New Media Article"}}]}}
:children [
{:object "block" :type "heading_2" :heading_2 {:text [{:type "text" :text {:content "chiclete"}}]}}]})
(pages/retrieve-page my-token my-page-id)
(pages/update-page my-token my-page-id {:Status {:select {:name "Reading"}}})
(databases/retrieve-database my-token my-db-id)
(databases/query-database my-token my-db-id {:filter
[{:property "Name", :title {:equals "teste"}}
{:property "Name", :title {:equals "New Media Article"}}]}
:sorts [{:property "Name", :direction "ascending"}]})
(users/list-all-users my-token)
(users/retrieve-user my-token my-user-id)
(list-databases my-token 3 "cursor"))
All functions that returns lists of objects can also make use of pagination by taking page-size
and start-cursor
arguments. Please check the docstrings for blocks/retrieve-block-children
, databases/query-database
and user/list-all-users
to learn more about it.