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Send and receive messages by using SQS queues.

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pip install comlink
poetry add comlink


from comlink import SqsConsumer, SqsQueue, signal_event

async def example(queue_url, sqs_client):
    # Create a queue object
    sqs_queue = SqsQueue(url=queue_url, client=sqs_client)

    # Event for stopping the consumer by receiving os signal.
    # stop_event waits for SIGINT(Ctrl+C) or SIGTERM by default
    stop_event = signal_event()
    # Create a consumer with a handler that just prints the message
    consumer = SqsConsumer(queue=sqs_queue, handler=print)
    # Start the consumer
    consumer_task = await consumer.start(stop_event=stop_event)

    # Send a message to the queue
    await sqs_queue.put("Hello, world!")

    # Wait for the consumer to stop by receiving os signal
    await consumer_task

More examples can be found in the examples directory.





comlink.SqsQueue(url, client, serializer=None, deserializer=None)

It is a wrapper around aiobotocore's SQS client. It provides a simple interface for sending and receiving messages.

In most cases, you will need to pass a instance of this class to the comlink.SqsConsumer and send messages to it using the put method.

take and remove methods are used by the SqsConsumer class. But you can use them if you need to.


  • url: str - URL of the queue
  • client: Any - aiobotocore's SQS client
  • serializer: Callable[[Message], str] | None - a function that serializes the message to string
  • deserializer: Callable[[str], Message] | None - a function that deserializes the message from string


import json
from comlink import SqsQueue

async def example(queue_url, sqs_client):
    sqs_queue = SqsQueue(url=queue_url, client=sqs_client, serializer=json.dumps, deserializer=json.loads)

    await sqs_queue.put({"hello": "world"})
    message = await sqs_queue.take(max_messages=1, visibility_timeout=10, wait_time_seconds=0)
    await sqs_queue.remove(message[0]["ReceiptHandle"])

coroutine put(data, **kwargs)

Sends a message to the queue.

  • data: Message - message data. If serializer is provided, it will be called with data as an argument.
  • kwargs - additional arguments for aiobotocore's send_message method. E.g. DelaySeconds, MessageGroupId, MessageDeduplicationId and etc.

Returns result of aiobotocore's send_message method.

coroutine take(max_messages, visibility_timeout, wait_time_seconds, **kwargs)

Get messages from the queue.

  • max_messages: int - maximum number of messages to receive
  • visibility_timeout: int - the duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a take request
  • wait_time_seconds: int - the duration (in seconds) for which the call waits for a message to arrive in the queue before returning. If a message is available, the call returns sooner than wait_time_seconds. If no messages are available and the wait time expires, the call returns successfully with an empty list of messages.
  • kwargs - additional arguments for aiobotocore's receive_message method. E.g. AttributeNames, MessageAttributeNames and etc.

Returns list of messages that were received from the queue.

coroutine remove(receipt_handle, **kwargs)

Deletes the specified message from the queue.

  • receipt_handle: str - the receipt handle associated with the message to delete (from take method)

Returns result of aiobotocore's delete_message method.

comlink.SqsConsumer(queue, handler, batch_size=1, visibility_timeout=120, wait_time_seconds=20)

It is a consumer that receives messages from the queue and passes them to the handler.

Init function only creates a consumer object. To start the consumer, you need to call the start method.


  • queue: SqsQueue - queue object
  • handler: Callable - a function that will be called with a message as an argument. It may be a regular function, a coroutine or an class instance with __call__ method.
  • batch_size: int - maximum number of messages to receive from the queue at once
  • visibility_timeout: int - the duration (in seconds) that the received messages are hidden from subsequent retrieve requests after being retrieved by a comlink.SqsQueue.take request
  • wait_time_seconds: int - the duration (in seconds) for which the call waits for a message to arrive in the queue before returning. If a message is available, the call returns sooner than wait_time_seconds.


from comlink import SqsQueue, SqsConsumer, signal_event

async def handler(message: str):
    print("Received message:", message)

async def example(sqs_queue: SqsQueue):
    stop_event = signal_event()
    consumer = SqsConsumer(queue=sqs_queue, handler=handler)
    consumer_task = await consumer.start(stop_event=stop_event)
    await consumer_task

coroutine start(stop_event)

Starts the consumer.


  • stop_event: asyncio.Event - a consumer will stop when this event is set. You can use comlink.signal_event function to create an event that will be set when the process receives a signal.

Returns a consumer task. You can use it to wait for the consumer to stop. If the consumer is stopped by an exception, the task will raise an exception. If the consumer is stopped by the stop_event, the task will return None.

comlink.signal_event(signals=None, log_level=logging.WARNING, loop=None)

Creates an event that will be set when the process receives a signal.


  • signals: dict[int, str] | None - a dictionary that maps signal numbers to signal names. If None, the default dictionary will be used.
  • log_level: int - a log level that will be used to log signals. Default is logging.WARNING.
  • loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None - an event loop. If None, the current event loop will be used.

Returns an asyncio.Event object.


import logging
import signal
from comlink import signal_event

async def example():
    stop_event = signal_event(
            signal.SIGUSR1: "SIGUSR1",
            signal.SIGINT: "SIGINT",
            signal.SIGTERM: "SIGTERM",
    await stop_event.wait()
    print("Received a signal")



  1. Install Poetry.
  2. Install dependencies with poetry install.
  3. Install Docker.
  4. Run docker compose -f up -d to start the development environment (localstack). Tests will fail until the environment is up and running.


Run poetry run pytest to run the tests.


Run poetry run black . to format the code.

Run poetry run isort . to sort the imports.