POD filter which focuses showing valuable items (while not forgetting any uniques, set, RW items).
The filter hides normal elite items which are worth less than 35k gold (exception to the rule are normal elite items which have more than 1 sockets (useful RW items)).
This filter does not show unid unique/set items with their right name - this filter aims to be as simple as possible, focusing on the gold farming (by user then selling the valuables to npcs). Gold which is useful in gambling :)
This filter uses Pure Karma filter's code related to:
- Inventory
- Potions
- Gems
- Runes
- Small portion about the 35k gold items
Thanks goes to KarmaNation on the parts of his filter code, regarding to the above parts.
What items are hidden?
- Magic rings and amulets are not shown if their item level is not at least 88
- Magic bolts and arrows
- Normal elite items which are worth less than 35k gold (exception to the rule are normal elite items which have more than 1 sockets (useful RW items))
- Certain inventory related items which Pure Karma filter also hides (id/tp scrolls, keys, low level health, mana, antidote, thawing, stamina, choking gas, exploding, fulminating, oil, rancid gas and strangling gas potions). Also certain gems are hidden (based on character level)