An Hadoop image indexer for Web archiving - supports ARC/WARC files.
- Iterate through all ARC/WARC records to find all HTML records (i.e. records with mimetype that starts with text/html) and image records
- For page records
- Find all image tags in that html page i.e. (
having href with image file extensions,css
backgrounds). - For each image tag
- Extract metadata and create
record - Add to HDFS entry matching its
- Extract metadata and create
- Find all image tags in that html page i.e. (
- For image records
- Extract image metadata and create
record - Add to HDFS entry matching its
- Extract image metadata and create
- For page records
- For each SURT
- Combine
according to their capture timestamp - Write them into the corresponding image digest
- Combine
- For each digest
- Merge all
in that digest into a singleFullImageMetadata
- Output the
- Merge all
mvn clean install
The compiled jar with dependencies will be placed in target/image-search-indexing.jar
Create a .txt file where each line contains the path to a downloadable ARC/WARC file (WARC list file) and store it in Hadoop HDFS
hadoop jar image-search-indexing.jar pt.arquivo.imagesearch.indexing.FullImageIndexerJob <WARC list location in HDFS> <collection name> <WARCs per map> <number of reduces> <WARCs in HDFS: true or false> <output format: COMPACT or FULL>
WARC list location in HDFS: Location of the (W)ARC file list in HDFS
collection name: Name of the collection to process
WARCs per map: total number of (W)ARCs to process per Map process. Larger is faster, but can lead to Map timeouts in some collections (recommended: 1-5)
number of reduces: total number of reduces (recommended: 150)
WARCs in HDFS: true or false, whether the (W)ARCs are in HDFS or in external HTTP server
output format: COMPACT or FULL> use COMPACT for the current Solr schema
- Hadoop 3 cluster
- Can be setup using
ansible-playbook -i infrastructure-prod/hosts.ini playbooks/hadoop3_cluster_provision.yml
- Generate a file with all arcs of a collection using [[Create_arc_list]].
- Copy them to
- Insert into HDFS a file with all (W)ARCs from every collection.
ssh [email protected]
/opt/hadoop-3.2.1/bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir -p /user/root
/opt/hadoop-3.2.1/bin/hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal /opt/searcher/scripts/arcsList/*.txt /user/root
- Can be setup using
After placing the collection file lists in HDFS you can runt he following script will run the script for a list of collections defined in a text file (e.g. Collection.txt)
./ Collections.txt
# Usage:
# ./ Collections.txt [collection_name]
# Collections.txt has in each line the name of the collection to index.
# Alternatively, if [collection_name] is given, will assume that the collection was split into multiple files instead.
# Run inside a screen, this should be synchronous because we can only IndexImages after creating the database
mkdir -p counter
while read line; do
TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s)
if (("$#" > 1))
/opt/hadoop-3.2.1/bin/hadoop jar image-search-indexing.jar pt.arquivo.imagesearch.indexing.FullImageIndexerJob /user/root/"$line"_ARCS.txt "$COLLECTION" 1 150 false COMPACT "$WORKING_PATH" &> logs/$line_$TIMESTAMP.log && python3.5 "$COLLECTION"
/opt/hadoop-3.2.1/bin/yarn application -appStates FINISHED -list | grep application | cut -f 1 | cut -d "_" -f 2,3 | sort | tail -n 3 | head -n 2 | while read ln; do curl --compressed -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET$ln/counters | python -m json.tool > counter/counters_$ln.json; done
curl --compressed -H "Accept: application/json" -X GET > counter/times_$TIMESTAMP.json
done < $FILE