spirit is a library to control one or group of ground vehicle with a Model-based predictive controller
- Eigen3
- HAL : if examples used
- Pangolin
- SceneGraph
- Bullet2.84
- ceres-solver
- sim_car : application showing simple vehicle simulation on flat ground
- bvp_example : simple boundary value solver example showing a local planning problem between two waypoints
- car_robot : application to test internals of spirit
- car_calib : application to calibrate vehicle parameters (requires arpg's parkour car robot to run)
- gamepad_drive : application to drive parkour car with a gamepad (requires arpg's parkour car robot to run)
- mpc_car : application using spirit's internal mpc controller (requires arpg's parkour car robot to run)
- Sina Aghli and Christoffer Heckman, “Online System Identification and Calibration of Dynamic Models for Autonomous Ground Vehicles” IEEE International Conference On Robotics and Automation 2018
- H Ravanbakhsh, S Aghli, C Heckman, S Sankaranarayanan, “Path-Following though Control Lyapunov Functions” International Conference on Intelligent Robots 2018