Simple utility to check the availability of courts using the Public GotCourts API that is intended for personal use.
In order to run the code you use a local python environment with python version >= 3.6
In oder to install the package in you python environment, run the following from the code root:
pip install .
In order to check available slots
python -m --club=mythenquai --weekdays="sat, sun" --ndays=14
Alternatively, instead of using a python environment, there is a possibility to run the code in docker. For that you need to have docker installed on you machine.
In order to build the docker image run:
docker build -t gotcourts-checker:0.1.0 . -f .\docker\Dockerfile
You can then check available slots by running:
docker run --rm -it gotcourts-checker:0.1.0 --weekdays="sat, sun" --ndays=14
In order to send notification to a specific channel in telegram about the court availability you need to:
Create a configuration file
with the list of telegram channel IDs as follows:chat_ids: - <telegram_chat_id_1> - <telegram_chat_id_2>
pass telegram bot token and config to the script as follows:
python -m --club=mythenquai --weekdays="sat, sun" --ndays=14 --tconf=<path to config.yaml> --ttoken="<telegram bot token>"
There is a possibility to run the code as a service that listens and responses to requests from the a telegram bot.
- Set run mode to
and pass telegram bot token and config to the script as follows:python -m --mode=service --ttoken="<telegram bot token>"
You can then use the following commands, when interacting with Telegram Bot:
- /start - command to print the welcome message
- /check - command to check the available slots in a certain tennis club for a certain weekday. You can use this command as follows:
/check <tennis club alias (mythenquai)> <week days (sat sun)>