Contazo is an online contacts book that allows yout to view, create, delete and update your own contacts. Also, Contazo allows you to call, send an email or send a Whatsapp message to your contacts.
This project has two repositories, one for the front-end part and the other for the back-end part.
View back-end repository here.
🔸 FRONT: React | Redux | Styled Components | Typescript | Jest | MSW | Font Awesome
🔸 BACK: NodeJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | Mongoose | JWT | Supabase | Jest | Supertest
🔸 TOOLS: Trello | Postman | Figma | Git
🔥 Lighthouse
🔹 /users/register ➡️ POST (success status 201, error status 409):
Register a user. The payload should have a phone number and a password which should be introduced the same twice.
🔹 /users/login ➡️ POST (success status 200, error status 401):
Login with an existing user to get a valid token. The payload should have an existing phone number and password.
🔹 /create ➡️ POST (success status 201, error status 400):
Create a contact. The payload should necessary have a phone number. Also can be created with a name, surname, email and image.
🔹 /update/:phoneId ➡️ POST (success status 201, error status 400):
Edit a contact. The fields that can be edited are all that the contact can have: name, surname, email, phoneNumber and image.
🔹 /contacts ➡️ GET (success status 200, error status 400):
Get all the contacts in a list with their image, name and surname for mobile and also the email and phone number for desktop.
🔹 /contacts/:phoneId ➡️ GET (success status 200, error status 400):
Get a specific contact detailed.
🔹 /delete/:phoneId ➡️ DEL (success status 201, error status 400):
Delete a contact with it's phone number as url parameter.
Note that all endpoints excepting login and register can only be used if the user is logged in the application.