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rpardini: extensions: k8s: Kubernetes Cluster API ready images
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- k8s: don't reduce UEFISIZE, breaks edk2
- k8s: further slimming, 2
- - no plymouth
- - no grub delay/timeout
- - keep busybox so initrd has sed for growroot
- - fix bookworm, jammy & noble on arm64
- - support current/ddk slims as well as edge
- k8s: further slimming
- k8s: use debfoster to clean up unneeded packages at the end of it
- k8s: more stuff, containerd config
- rpardini: exts: k8s: switch to armsurvivors for k8s-worker-containerd
- rpardini: k8s: fix: don't do stuff to host
- rpardini: exts: k8s: 1.30
- rpardini: exts: k8s: preserve curl

rpardini: exts: k8s: keep systemd-timesyncd

rpardini: exts: k8s preserve efibootmgr and tree

rpardini: exts: k8s: again enlarge QCOW2 by 10G when building k8s with QCOW2

- for cloud-container-disk

rpardini: exts: k8s: hackfix for u-boot-menu and bcm2711

rpardini: exts: k8s: don't enlarge qcow2; work for non-uefi builds; preserve a few more pkgs
  • Loading branch information
rpardini committed Oct 1, 2024
1 parent 115e842 commit 07c3a40
Showing 1 changed file with 261 additions and 0 deletions.
261 changes: 261 additions & 0 deletions userpatches/extensions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2024 Ricardo Pardini <[email protected]>
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework

# Kubernetes (possibly Cluster-API) extension.
# This will deploy the Kuberentes binaries (kubeadm, kubelet, kubectl) from the new official SUSE-OBS repository.
# You can define K8S_MAJOR_MINOR to use a specific major.minor version, but it will always use the latest point release.
# CRI can be provided by k8s-containerd-worker separate project, or you can just use the base distro's containerd, although that is most out of date.
# This extension also tries to trim down the firmware on cloud-metadata images, since by default they include a huge amount of firmware that is not needed.

function extension_prepare_config__k8s() {
display_alert "Preparing k8s extension" "${EXTENSION}" "info"

declare -g K8S_MAJOR_MINOR=${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR:-"1.30"}
EXTRA_IMAGE_SUFFIXES+=("-k8s-${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}") # global array

#declare -g EXTRA_BSP_NAME="${EXTRA_BSP_NAME}-k8s" # Unique bsp name for this extension
#declare -g KEEP_ORIGINAL_OS_RELEASE="yes" # Keep original os-release file when installing bsp and preparing image

# Disable plymouth stuff (it would be removed at cleanup anyway)
declare -g PLYMOUTH="no"

# Disable GRUB menu timeout, we wanna boot fast; for fastest, instead use kernelBoot/kexec, that is already provided by Armbian
declare -g UEFI_GRUB_TIMEOUT=0

display_alert "Trimming down firmware" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
declare -g INSTALL_ARMBIAN_FIRMWARE="no" # Do not install full firmware for UEFI boards

## Also make the output qcow2 larger; KubeVirt does not resize/overlay qcow2's for container-disks
display_alert "Setting large sparse qcow2" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
declare -g QCOW2_RESIZE_AMOUNT="+10G" # resize the qcow2 image to be 10G bigger

return 0

# A separate 900-later hook to override UEFISIZE set by grub extension
# @TODO: this breaks UEFI, it can't find the ESP. Why?!
#function extension_prepare_config__900_k8s() {
# # Reduce the size of the ESP/EFI partition, makes total raw image smaller (shouldnt affect qcow2)
# declare -g UEFISIZE=8 # GRUB takes only a few kb, but 1mb causes trouble

function pre_customize_image__600_k8s_containerd() {
display_alert "Adding k8s containerd infra from rpardini/k8s-worker-containerd" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"

declare latest_release_version
latest_release_version=$(curl -sL "" | jq -r '.tag_name')

declare deb_file down_url down_dir full_deb_path


mkdir -p "${down_dir}"


if [[ ! -f "${full_deb_path}" ]]; then
display_alert "Will download ${full_deb_path} from latest release..." "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
wget --progress=dot:mega --local-encoding=UTF-8 --output-document="${full_deb_path}.tmp" "${down_url}"
mv -v "${full_deb_path}.tmp" "${full_deb_path}"

# Copy to the image (at /root)
cp -v "${full_deb_path}" "${SDCARD}/root/${deb_file}"
# Install into image...
chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "/root/${deb_file}"
# Remove from root
rm -v "${SDCARD}/root/${deb_file}"

# Check by running it under chroot
display_alert "Containerd version" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
chroot_sdcard containerd --version

# Enable its systemd service
chroot_sdcard systemctl enable containerd.service

# Configure containerd to use systemd cgroup driver
mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd # Ubuntu version does not create it by default
chroot_sdcard containerd config default > "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd/config.toml

# Keep a copy of the original config
cp -v "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd/config.toml "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd/config.toml.orig

# Manipulating .toml in bash is even worse than YAML. This should NOT be done here.
if grep -q SystemdCgroup "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd/config.toml; then
# If it's already there make sure it's on
display_alert "Containerd config already has SystemdCgroup" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
sed -i -e 's/SystemdCgroup = false/SystemdCgroup = true/' "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd/config.toml
# Terrible hack to add SystemdCgroup.
display_alert "Adding SystemdCgroup to containerd config" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
sed -i -e 's/runtimes.runc.options]/runtimes.runc.options]\n SystemdCgroup = true/' "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd/config.toml

# Show the resulting config using Armbian's batcat
display_alert "Containerd config.toml" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
run_tool_batcat "${SDCARD}"/etc/containerd/config.toml

display_alert "Config cri-tools to use containerd..." "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
cat <<- EOD > "${SDCARD}"/etc/crictl.yaml
runtime-endpoint: unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock
run_tool_batcat "${SDCARD}"/etc/crictl.yaml

return 0

function pre_customize_image__k8s_settings() {
display_alert "Configuring systemd-network to not interefere with Cilium..." "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
cat <<- EOD > "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/networkd.conf

display_alert "Module br_netfilter ..." "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/modules-load.d/k8s.conf

display_alert "Tuning bridge-nf-call-iptables/ip6tables in sysctl..." "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"
cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 0
net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = bbr
vm.overcommit_memory = 1
kernel.panic = 10
kernel.panic_on_oops = 1
fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 524288
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288

return 0

function pre_customize_image__800_k8s_itself() {
display_alert "Adding k8s binaries version ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "${EXTENSION} ${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}" "info"

# Grab the GPG key
mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL "${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}/deb/Release.key" | gpg --dearmor -o "${SDCARD}"/etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg

# Add the SUSE-OBS repository
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes-apt-keyring.gpg]${K8S_MAJOR_MINOR}/deb/ /" > "${SDCARD}/etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list"

# Install the k8s binaries
chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "kubeadm" "kubelet" "kubectl"

# Check by running it under chroot
chroot_sdcard kubeadm version

# Enable the kubelet service
chroot_sdcard systemctl enable kubelet.service

# Hold the k8s packages
chroot_sdcard apt-mark hold kubeadm kubelet kubectl

return 0

# crap hack to slim down image by using debfoster. this will be an eternal chase as upstreams change.
# unfortunately armbian's "minimal" is untrustworthy/not-minimal, and "cli" is too much
function pre_customize_image__400_k8s_debfoster() {
display_alert "HACK: Cleaning up unused packages via debfoster" "${EXTENSION}" "info"

declare -a debfoster_keepers=() install_pre_debfoster=()

install_pre_debfoster+=("debfoster") # we need to install it first

eatmydata # used by cloud-init
curl # generally a good idea to have in the image
busybox # needed for growroot inside initrd, lest 'sed not found'
toilet # armbian motd et al
tree # too useful
systemd-timesyncd # needed for ntp on non-rtc arm

display_alert "Debian: usr-is-merged, systemd-resolved" "keeping" "info"
install_pre_debfoster+=("usr-is-merged") # compensate, otherwise missing deps. fix Armbian messup in pkgs
debfoster_keepers+=("systemd-resolved" "usr-is-merged")
[[ "${BRANCH}" == "ddk" ]] && debfoster_keepers+=("linux-image-${ARCH}")
display_alert "Ubuntu: python3-apt" "keeping" "info"
debfoster_keepers+=("python3-apt") # needed for grub-mkconfig, noble+ ?
[[ "${BRANCH}" == "ddk" ]] && debfoster_keepers+=("linux-image-generic")

# Preserve grub/bsp/kernel for UEFI builds
if [[ "${BOARDFAMILY}" == "uefi-"* ]]; then
display_alert "k8s: UEFI board" "preserving efibootmgr, grub, bsp-cli and kernel" "info"
debfoster_keepers+=("efibootmgr") # always
case "${ARCH}" in
debfoster_keepers+=("armbian-bsp-cli-uefi-arm64-${BRANCH}-grub-mluc-cloud" "grub-efi-arm64")
[[ "${BRANCH}" != "ddk" ]] && debfoster_keepers+=("linux-dtb-${BRANCH}-arm64" "linux-image-${BRANCH}-arm64")
debfoster_keepers+=("armbian-bsp-cli-uefi-x86-${BRANCH}-grub-mluc-cloud" "grub-pc" "grub-efi-amd64-bin")
[[ "${BRANCH}" != "ddk" ]] && debfoster_keepers+=("linux-image-${BRANCH}-x86")
elif [[ "${BOARDFAMILY}" == "bcm2711" ]]; then
display_alert "k8s: RPi4" "preserving bsp-cli / kernel / dtb" "info"
debfoster_keepers+=("armbian-bsp-cli-${BOARD}-${BRANCH}-raspifw-mluc-cloud" "linux-image-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "linux-dtb-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}")
display_alert "k8s: non UEFI board" "preserving bsp-cli / kernel / dtb / u-boot" "info"
debfoster_keepers+=("armbian-bsp-cli-${BOARD}-${BRANCH}-mluc-cloud" "linux-image-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "linux-dtb-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "linux-u-boot-${BOARD}-${BRANCH}")

# Hack: if u-boot-menu installed, keep it.
if [[ -f "${SDCARD}/etc/default/u-boot" ]]; then
display_alert "k8s: u-boot-menu" "keeping" "info"

display_alert "Debfoster: installing" "Installing '${install_pre_debfoster[*]}'" "info"
chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "${install_pre_debfoster[@]}"

display_alert "Debfoster: setting keepers" "Keeping '${#debfoster_keepers[*]}' packages" "info"
chroot_sdcard debfoster --force --mark-only "${debfoster_keepers[@]}"

display_alert "Debfoster: removing unused packages" "running debfoster!" "info"
chroot_sdcard debfoster --force --option "'RemoveCmd=apt-get --purge --autoremove -y remove'" -o "UseRecommends=no"

# Show a list of installed packages and their sizes after debfoster is done -- "what is left?"
display_alert "Debfoster: list of installed packages and their sizes" "after debfoster" "info"
chroot_sdcard dpkg-query -Wf '\${Installed-Size}\\t\${Package}\\n' "|" sort -n

function post_customize_image__900_k8s_cleanup_apt_stuff() {
display_alert "Cleaning up apt package lists and cache" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
chroot_sdcard "apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists"

# override the core function that would bring those back
function apt_lists_copy_from_host_to_image_and_update() {
display_alert "Skipping apt lists copy from host to image and update" "${EXTENSION}" "info"

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