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Proper dependency injection (DI) #239

Answered by plusmobileapps
Knoxvillekm asked this question in Q&A
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Like @arkivanov mentioned, you just need to pass things via the constructor so the necessity of a DI not required. If you were wanting to use some DI framework, it's worth mentioning that ComponentContext must be injected at run time because children are created with a new context from the router. So if you were to use something like kotlin-inject or kodein then you would have to use assisted injection. When I was messing around with decompose in an Android only app, I managed to get it working with Hilt if you wanted to check it out here. Otherwise I have another sample app that just creates is own DI using the features of the kotlin language.

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This discussion was converted from issue #238 on October 16, 2022 21:15.