title | author | lang | section-titles | theme | colortheme | ||
(Never) Ride On Time |
en |
false |
AnnArbor |
dolphin |
We wanted to create an application that retrieves data about buses in Cracow. There are around 1400 bus stops in Cracow and we have to query each one separately for information about the whereabouts of nearby buses.
MPK has two servers, one for buses and one for trams. We decided to go only for buses.
{ "lastUpdate": 1560066842348,
"vehicles": [{
"color": "0x000000",
"heading": 90,
"latitude": 180069486,
"name": "133 Bieżanów Potrzask",
"tripId": "8095261304192117256",
"id": "-1152921495675693247",
"category": "bus",
"longitude": 71798625
}] }
{ "stops": [{
"category": "bus",
"id": "8095258838875244269",
"latitude": 180353736,
"longitude": 72333180,
"name": "Grzegorza z Sanoka (nż)",
"shortName": "3186"
}] }
{ "actual": [{
"actualRelativeTime": 1263,
"direction": "Ruszcza",
"mixedTime": "10:26",
"passageid": "-1152921504324670730",
"patternText": "160",
"plannedTime": "10:26",
"routeId": "8095257447305838788",
"status": "PLANNED",
"tripId": "8095261304193399306"
}] ... }
To download data from MPK servers we use Akka and Akka-Http. We decided to use Akka mostly because of Akka-Http and for educational purposes.
We use MongoDB to persist the scraped data.
This library works great with Akka, logs store the information about actors that create the logs, making it easy to find problems.
Periodically schedules new requests to ApiClient.
Makes requests using a shared connection pool.
Parses responses and passes them to database writers.
Sends data to MongoDB.
We have a VM on Azure that runs the scraper and MongoDB inside a docker container.
Using sbt we produce a jar file containing the scraper and its dependencies. The jar is then executed inside a docker container.
Turns out making requests to over 1400 endpoints is not that easy.
Akka has a cap on how many open connections there are to a single host, and we were breaking that quite regularly. To battle that we used a connection pool that allows a maximum of 32 open requests and queues the rest (overflows are dropped, they will be scheduled again in about a minute).
To reduce the number of requests we found the most useful stops (analyzing the data we had) and reduced the number of monitored ones to about 400.
The VM has only 1GB of RAM and the JVM would really like to use all of it. Adding 512MB of swap space seems to work wonders.
After about 24 hours of working the scrapper suddenly stops without any error messages. We suspect the lack of RAM might have something to do with this. To combat this problem we have a cronjob that checks whether the scrapper is running and restarts the container if need be.
We have created a scraper that has many failover mechanisms, can handle VM restarts, API downtime and random crashes from unidentified reasons. Since we added all of the above features, it has been running flawlessly.
It scrapes data at the maximum rate possible, using as many concurrent connections as possible.
Finally after we collected the data there is a time a analyze it.
Big engine for not so huge data. But we it for educational purposes and to enable painless extension to analyze bigger data.
We prefer to analyze data as charts than in csv files. We used this nice tool to generate plots.
API enabled us to download data about passages not about delays. Data from API includes time to/after passage and planned time. We have downloaded this data and saved records about passages from 5 minutes before to 5 minutes after passage. Record structure:
case class Passage(
actualRelativeTime: Long, // time in second to or after passage
actualTime: Option[String], // real time of passage - predicted in API
plannedTime: String, // planned time that bus should be on a stop
status: String, // one of: PREDICTED, STOPPING, DEPARTED
patternText: String, // line number
routeId: String,
tripId: String,
passageid: String, // each passage of a bus from one stop has unique id - easy to group by
stopShortName: String, // stop id
scrapedTimestamp: Long
But we want to have information about delays, not about time to passage. In the simplest version count only records with DEPARTED status, add actualRelativeTime to timestamp and compute difference between it and plannedTime. Structure after normalization consists fields: passageid, patternText, plannedTime, stopShortName, secDelay, delay
We have been collecting data from 21.05 to 09.06.2019. We manage to create about 8 000 000 records (2,1 GB). After normalization we have 772057 records about buses' delays.
During scraping data there was a lot of roadworks in Cracov. Some main roads like Królewska, Aleje and Dietla was rebuilding then.
We used simplest algorithm to determine delay. It skips situations when one bus comes about for example 20 minutes later, but previous one has come like next one should. Then maybe it is better to say that previous hasn't come and compute smaller delay for the next.
There are some points that lies with very big delay or that comes very early. We could assume that bus won't come earlier than 3 minutes before schedule and won't have more than one hour delay.
We could predict hottest hours. No surprise here.
Looking optimistically that 1 or 2 minutes is not a delay, we can say that
And who is the winner? We couldn't skip the best latecomers.
patternText | averageDelay |
704 | 14.25 |
605 | 13.42 |
713 | 10.59 |
910 | 9.96 |
278 | 9.43 |
503 | 7.44 |
174 | 6.86 |
111 | 6.71 |
163 | 6.61 |
173 | 6.42 |
238 | 6.30 |
161 | 6.27 |
We can see that replacement buses (704, 713) lead in ranking. They are a substitution for trams on Królewska street, departs every about 6-10 minutes and ride through the most crowded roads. You don't have to wait for them for so long time, because previous one comes when the next should, but real results look likely.
API enables us to download also coordinates of the stops and to mark them on the map. The bigger point means more passages from stop and color indicate average delay.
TODO: Do we share the data to download?
If you want to run scaper by yourself just type:
sudo docker-compose up
It runs database instance and also scraper daemon as containers. You can run app modules through:
sbt "project scraper" run
sbt "project analyzer" run