This repository contains projects coded primarily in Python, with a few written in Bash and C.
Project | Description |
0x00-python-hello_world | Introduction to Python and PEP8. |
0x01-python-if_else_loops_functions | How to use for and while loops, if/else, break, continue, and pass statements. |
0x02-python-import_modules | How to import functions and create modules. |
0x03-python-data_structures | Understanding the differences between sequences, strings, lists, and tuples. |
0x04-python-more_data_structures | Understanding the differences between sets and dictionaries and how to iterate through them. |
0x05-python-exceptions | Usage of exceptions and how to raise them. |
0x06-python-classes | Creating classes, instances, objects, and methods. |
0x07-python-test_driven_development | Documentation and creating test cases. |
0x08-python-more_classes | More classes and understanding the differences between public, protected and private attributes. Implementing the __str__ and __repr__ methods. |
0x09-python-everything_is_object | References, aliases, assignments and the differences between mutable and immutable objects. |
0x0A-python-inheritance | Superclass, baseclass, parentclass and subclass. Inheritance and the usage of the functions: isinstance , issubclass , type , and super . |
0x0B-python-input_output | How to open/read/write a file using with . Converting JSON strings to Python data structures and vice versa. |
0x0C-python-almost_a_circle | Unit testing and reading/writing a JSON file. Usage of *args and **kwargs . |