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with 2 shutters configured, the second shutter affects the first shutter. #10860

9 of 14 tasks
mikep1998 opened this issue Feb 6, 2021 · 25 comments
9 of 14 tasks
Shutter related Type - Issue specific to Shutters troubleshooting Type - Troubleshooting


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mikep1998 commented Feb 6, 2021


A clear and concise description of what the problem is.

When operating shutter1, shutter1 relays toggle on and off. Shutter1 open and closes correctly. But shutter2 relay3 turns ON and never turns off.

When clicking the open or close button for shutter2, shutter2 opens or closes. But shutter1 also moves.


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

  • Read the Contributing Guide and Policy and the Code of Conduct
  • Searched the problem in issues
  • Searched the problem in discussions
  • Searched the problem in the docs
  • Searched the problem in the chat
  • Device used (e.g., Sonoff Basic): _____D1 mini
  • Tasmota binary firmware version number used: ___9206
    • Pre-compiled
    • Self-compiled
  • Flashing tools used: _____
  • Provide the output of command: Backlog Template; Module; GPIO 255:
  Configuration output here:
00:25:12.492 SRC: Backlog
00:25:12.495 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "GPIO", Data "255"
00:25:12.503 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"GPIO0":{"226":"Relay3"},"GPIO1":{"0":"None"},"GPIO2":{"227":"Relay4"},"GPIO3":{"0":"None"},"GPIO4":{"0":"None"},"GPIO5":{"0":"None"},"GPIO9":{"0":"None"},"GPIO10":{"0":"None"},"GPIO12":{"225":"Relay2"},"GPIO13":{"416":"PWM1"},"GPIO14":{"224":"Relay1"},"GPIO15":{"417":"PWM2"},"GPIO16":{"0":"None"},"GPIO17":{"0":"None"}}

  • If using rules, provide the output of this command: Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3:
  Rules output here:

  • Provide the output of this command: Status 0:
  STATUS 0 output here:

00:26:30.180 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "STATUS", Data "0"
00:26:30.186 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":0,"DeviceName":"Tasmota","FriendlyName":["Tasmota","Tasmota2","Tasmota3","Tasmota4"],"Topic":"tasmota_D9C6B8","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":4,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}}
00:26:30.217 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"tasmotas","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T00:07:36","StartupUTC":"2021-02-06T23:18:54","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":23,"BCResetTime":"2021-02-06T22:41:50","SaveCount":248,"SaveAddress":"F4000"}}
00:26:30.254 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2021-02-06T17:20:11","Boot":31,"Core":"2_7_4_9","SDK":"2.2.2-dev(38a443e)","CpuFrequency":80,"Hardware":"ESP8266EX","CR":"398/699"}}
00:26:30.273 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":2,"WebLog":4,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["mike1.1.2",""],"TelePeriod":300,"Resolution":"558180C0","SetOption":["00000009","2805C8000100060000005A0A000000000000","40000080","00006000","00000000"]}}
00:26:30.303 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":591,"Free":412,"Heap":27.7,"ProgramFlashSize":1024,"FlashSize":4096,"FlashChipId":"164020","FlashFrequency":40,"FlashMode":3,"Features":["00000809","8FDAC787","04368001","000000CF","010013C0","C000F981","00004004","00001000","00000000"],"Drivers":"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,16,18,19,20,21,22,24,26,27,29,30,35,37,45","Sensors":"1,2,3,4,5,6"}}
00:26:30.338 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"tasmota_D9C6B8-1720","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer":"","Mac":"A4:CF:12:D9:C6:B8","Webserver":2,"WifiConfig":4,"WifiPower":17.0}}
00:26:30.359 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"DVES_%06X","MqttClient":"DVES_D9C6B8","MqttUser":"DVES_USER","MqttCount":0,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30}}
00:26:30.380 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2021-02-06T23:26:30","Local":"2021-02-07T00:26:30","StartDST":"2021-03-28T02:00:00","EndDST":"2021-10-31T03:00:00","Timezone":"+01:00","Sunrise":"08:11","Sunset":"17:57"}}
00:26:30.399 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2021-02-07T00:26:30","Shutter1":{"Position":96,"Direction":0,"Target":100},"Shutter2":{"Position":96,"Direction":0,"Target":100}}}
00:26:30.419 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2021-02-07T00:26:30","Uptime":"0T00:07:36","UptimeSec":456,"Heap":27.8,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":23,"MqttCount":0,"POWER1":"OFF","POWER2":"OFF","POWER3":"ON","POWER4":"OFF","PWM":{"PWM1":483,"PWM2":0},"Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"mike1.1.2","BSSId":"9C:D3:6D:9E:41:3C","Channel":10,"RSSI":96,"Signal":-52,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:08"}}}
00:26:30.457 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/STATUS13 = {"StatusSHT":{"SHT0":{"Relay1":1,"Relay2":2,"Open":5,"Close":5,"50perc":50,"Delay":4,"Opt":"0000","Calib":[300,500,700,900,1000],"Mode":"5"}},{"SHT1":{"Relay1":3,"Relay2":4,"Open":5,"Close":5,"50perc":50,"Delay":4,"Opt":"0000","Calib":[300,500,700,900,1000],"Mode":"5"}}}

  • Set weblog to 4 and then, when you experience your issue, provide the output of the Console log:
  Console output here:

This is when shutter 1 open button is pressed. and the UI shows relay 3 turning on and staying on.

00:38:48.684 SHT: Delay Start. var0 <99>=<>, max10s?
00:38:48.687 SHT: Delay Start. Done
00:38:48.689 SRC: Shutter
00:38:48.691 SHT: Switched relay 0 by Shutter
00:38:48.694 SHT: Shtr1, Source Shutter, Powerstate 0, RelayMask 0, ManualChange 0
00:38:48.696 SHT: Shtr2, Source Shutter, Powerstate 0, RelayMask 0, ManualChange 0
00:38:48.702 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
00:38:48.705 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/POWER2 = OFF
00:38:48.708 SRC: Shutter
00:38:48.710 SHT: Switched relay 1 by Shutter
00:38:48.713 SHT: Shtr1, Source Shutter, Powerstate 1, RelayMask 1, ManualChange 0
00:38:48.715 SHT: Shtr2, Source Shutter, Powerstate 0, RelayMask 1, ManualChange 0
00:38:48.719 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
00:38:48.724 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/POWER1 = ON
00:38:48.726 SRC: Shutter
00:38:48.729 SHT: Switched relay 4 by Shutter
00:38:48.732 SHT: Shtr1, Source Shutter, Powerstate 1, RelayMask 4, ManualChange 0
00:38:48.734 SHT: Shtr2, Source Shutter, Powerstate 1, RelayMask 4, ManualChange 0
00:38:48.738 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"POWER3":"ON"}
00:38:48.741 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/POWER3 = ON
00:38:48.744 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition1":100}
00:38:48.805 SHT: Shtr1 Real 1908, Start 408, Stop 10000, Dir 1, Delay 4, Rtc 0.15 [s], Freq 750, PWM 176
00:38:48.809 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":19,"Direction":1,"Target":100}}
00:38:48.813 SHT: Time 3, toBA 0, cStop 250, cVelo 750, mVelo 1000, aVelo 250, mRun 100, aPos 1908, nStop 1408, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:48.867 SHT: Time 4, toBA 0, cStop 750, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 250, mRun 150, aPos 2908, nStop 2658, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:48.917 SHT: Time 5, toBA 0, cStop 1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 3908, nStop 4408, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:48.968 SHT: Time 6, toBA 0, cStop 1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 4908, nStop 5408, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.015 SHT: Time 7, toBA 0, cStop 1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 5908, nStop 6408, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.065 SHT: Time 8, toBA 0, cStop 1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 6908, nStop 7408, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.115 SHT: Time 9, toBA 0, cStop 1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 7908, nStop 8408, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.167 SHT: Time 10, toBA 95, cStop 1500, cVelo 763, mVelo 1000, aVelo -237, mRun 200, aPos 8671, nStop 9408, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.215 SHT: Time 11, toBA 93, cStop 776, cVelo 531, mVelo 1000, aVelo -232, mRun 152, aPos 9202, nStop 9447, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.265 SHT: Time 12, toBA 91, cStop 296, cVelo 304, mVelo 1000, aVelo -227, mRun 106, aPos 9506, nStop 9498, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.316 SHT: Time 13, toBA 85, cStop 28, cVelo 79, mVelo 1000, aVelo -225, mRun 60, aPos 9585, nStop 9534, Trgt 10000, mVelo 250, Dir 1
00:38:49.319 SHT: Stop Shutter 0. Switchmode 0
00:38:49.321 SRC: Shutter
00:38:49.324 SHT: Switched relay 1 by Shutter
00:38:49.326 SHT: Shtr1, Source Shutter, Powerstate 0, RelayMask 1, ManualChange 0
00:38:49.329 SHT: Shtr2, Source Shutter, Powerstate 1, RelayMask 1, ManualChange 0
00:38:49.336 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"POWER1":"OFF"}
00:38:49.340 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/POWER1 = OFF
00:38:49.342 SRC: Button
00:38:49.345 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "PWM", Data "483"
00:38:49.351 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"PWM":{"PWM1":483,"PWM2":0}}
00:38:49.355 SHT: Shtr1 Real 9585, Start 9585, Stop 10000, Dir 0, Delay 4, Rtc 0.65 [s], Freq 0, PWM 483
00:38:49.359 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/SHUTTER1 = 96
00:38:49.363 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"Shutter1":{"Position":96,"Direction":0,"Target":100}}


Steps to reproduce the behavior:

These are commands to setup the servo shutters.

Backlog SetOption80 1; Shuttermode 5; SetOption15 0; PWMfrequency 200; ShutterRelay1 1; ShutterRelay2 3; ShutterPwmRange1 100, 500; ShutterPwmRange2 100, 500; ShutterOpenDuration1 2.5; ShutterOpenDuration2 2.5; ShutterCloseDuration1 2.5; ShutterCloseDuration2 2.5; ShutterMotorDelay1 0.2; ShutterMotorDelay2 0.2; Restart 1

  1. click the open or close button for shutter1 shutter1 relays toggle on and off. Shutter1 open and closes correctly. But shutter2 relay3 turns ON and never turns off.
  2. click the open or close button for shutter2 shutter2 opens or closes. But shutter1 also moves.


A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

clicking shutter1 only affects shutter1.
Clicking shutter2 should only affects shutter2.

before clicking shutter1 open all relays are off.
Screenshot (44)

after only clicking shutter1 open relays1 and relay3 are ON.

Screenshot (45)


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


Add any other context about the problem here.

(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)

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mikep1998 commented Feb 7, 2021

While testing by pressing the sutter2 open and close buttons. I found this in the logs"

02:00:13.677 SHT: Shtr2, Source Shutter, Powerstate 3, RelayMask 4, ManualChange 0
02:00:13.686 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"POWER3":"ON"}
02:00:13.689 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/POWER3 = ON
02:00:13.693 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"ShutterPosition2":0}
02:00:13.748 SHT: Shtr2 Real 8842, Start 9592, Stop 0, Dir -1, Delay 4, Rtc 0.10 [s], Freq 500, PWM 454
02:00:13.752 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"Shutter2":{"Position":88,"Direction":-1,"Target":0}}
02:00:13.755 SHT: Time 2, toBA 0, cStop 0, cVelo 500, mVelo 1000, aVelo 250, mRun 50, aPos 8842, nStop 9342, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:13.817 CFG: Saved to flash at F8, Count 308, Bytes 4096
02:00:13.832 SHT: Time 4, toBA 0, cStop -750, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 250, mRun 150, aPos 7092, nStop 7342, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:13.882 SHT: Time 5, toBA 0, cStop -1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 6092, nStop 5592, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:13.932 SHT: Time 6, toBA 0, cStop -1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 5092, nStop 4592, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:13.982 SHT: Time 7, toBA 0, cStop -1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 4092, nStop 3592, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:14.033 SHT: Time 8, toBA 0, cStop -1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 3092, nStop 2592, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:14.082 SHT: Time 9, toBA 0, cStop -1500, cVelo 1000, mVelo 1000, aVelo 0, mRun 200, aPos 2092, nStop 1592, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:14.131 SHT: Time 10, toBA 95, cStop -1500, cVelo 763, mVelo 1000, aVelo -237, mRun 200, aPos 1329, nStop 592, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:14.182 SHT: Time 11, toBA 93, cStop -776, cVelo 531, mVelo 1000, aVelo -232, mRun 152, aPos 798, nStop 553, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:14.233 SHT: Time 12, toBA 91, cStop -296, cVelo 304, mVelo 1000, aVelo -227, mRun 106, aPos 494, nStop 502, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:14.282 SHT: Time 13, toBA 85, cStop -28, cVelo 79, mVelo 1000, aVelo -225, mRun 60, aPos 415, nStop 466, Trgt 0, mVelo 250, Dir -1
02:00:14.284 SHT: Stop Shutter 1. Switchmode 0
02:00:14.287 SRC: Shutter
02:00:14.290 SHT: Switched relay 4 by Shutter
02:00:14.293 SHT: Shtr1, Source Shutter, Powerstate 0, RelayMask 4, ManualChange 0
02:00:14.295 SHT: Shtr2, Source Shutter, Powerstate 2, RelayMask 4, ManualChange 0
02:00:14.300 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"POWER3":"OFF"}
02:00:14.304 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/POWER3 = OFF
02:00:14.306 SRC: Shutter
02:00:14.309 SHT: Switched relay 8 by Shutter
02:00:14.312 SHT: Shtr1, Source Shutter, Powerstate 0, RelayMask 8, ManualChange 0
02:00:14.315 SHT: Shtr2, Source Shutter, Powerstate 0, RelayMask 8, ManualChange 0
02:00:14.319 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"POWER4":"OFF"}
02:00:14.322 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/POWER4 = OFF
02:00:14.325 SRC: Button
02:00:14.328 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "PWM", Data "117"
02:00:14.342 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"PWM":{"PWM1":117,"PWM2":0}}
02:00:14.346 SHT: Shtr2 Real 415, Start 415, Stop 0, Dir 0, Delay 4, Rtc 0.65 [s], Freq 0, PWM 117
02:00:14.349 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/SHUTTER2 = 4
02:00:14.353 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"Shutter2":{"Position":4,"Direction":0,"Target":0}}
02:00:14.817 CFG: Saved to flash at F7, Count 309, Bytes 4096
02:00:18.441 HTP: Console
02:00:20.595 CMD: pwm
02:00:20.597 SRC: WebConsole from
02:00:20.601 CMD: Group 0, Index 1, Command "PWM", Data ""
02:00:20.605 RSL: stat/tasmota_D9C6B8/RESULT = {"PWM":{"PWM1":117,"PWM2":0}}

Why is the shutter relay mask wrong?

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Maybe found an issue that is turning on relay 3 for shutter1 at line 1080 in the shutter code:

if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode != SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN) ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index]+2, 1, SRC_SHUTTER);

adds +2 to the relay number. removed this and fixed my code with a servo. Now sure what this line is here for? May break someone else's shutter code.

Still looking at other issue with shutter1 moving when operating shutter2.

@ascillato2 ascillato2 added Shutter related Type - Issue specific to Shutters troubleshooting Type - Troubleshooting labels Feb 7, 2021
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mikep1998 commented Feb 7, 2021

I have also found that the line of code below is causing an Exception 0. When comment out this line the exception does not happen. When I put it back the Exception comes back.

line 386 Shutter[i].accelerator = - tmin(tmax( velocity_change_per_step_maxtoBeAcc/100 , (velocity_change_per_step_max9/10)), (velocity_change_per_step_max*11/10));

Console log of the reset with Exception 0

00:00:00.046 CFG: Loaded from flash at F6, Count 156
00:00:00.051 QPC: Count 1
00:00:00.071 SHT: Shtr1 Init. Pos 0, Inverted 0, Locked 0, End stop time enabled 0, webButtons inverted 0
00:00:00.072 SHT: Shtr2 Init. Pos 0, Inverted 0, Locked 0, End stop time enabled 0, webButtons inverted 0
00:00:00.073 Project tasmota blinds_livingroom Version
00:00:00.325 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:00.326 WIF: Attempting connection...
00:00:01.247 WIF: Network (re)scan started...
00:00:01.248 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:01.248 WIF: Attempting connection...
00:00:02.252 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:02.253 WIF: Attempting connection...
00:00:03.252 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:03.252 WIF: Attempting connection...
00:00:04.253 WIF: Network 0, AP-, SSId Quijano Home, Channel 1, BSSId A4:56:CC:1E:A1:6C, RSSI -75, Encryption 1
00:00:04.254 WIF: Network 1, AP-, SSId mikeATT1.1.2, Channel 4, BSSId E0:22:04:27:9C:29, RSSI -45, Encryption 1
00:00:04.255 WIF: Network 2, AP2, SSId mike1.1.1, Channel 5, BSSId C4:04:15:44:CA:82, RSSI -68, Encryption 1
00:00:04.256 WIF: Network 3, AP-, SSId Lucy-Guest, Channel 5, BSSId C6:04:15:44:CA:83, RSSI -69, Encryption 1
00:00:04.257 WIF: Network 4, AP-, SSId Asuncion Family, Channel 7, BSSId F8:2C:18:95:C0:61, RSSI -75, Encryption 1
00:00:04.258 WIF: Network 5, AP-, SSId NETGEAR36, Channel 9, BSSId A0:63:91:A9:E7:78, RSSI -59, Encryption 1
00:00:04.259 WIF: Network 6, AP1, SSId mike1.1.2, Channel 10, BSSId 9C:D3:6D:9E:41:3C, RSSI -43, Encryption 1
00:00:04.260 WIF: Network 7, AP-, SSId ATTu2ZP9qs, Channel 11, BSSId C0:89:AB:0A:3A:40, RSSI -67, Encryption 1
00:00:04.598 WIF: Connecting to AP1 mike1.1.2 Channel 10 BSSId 9C:D3:6D:9E:41:3C in mode 11n as blinds_livingroom...
00:00:04.599 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:04.601 WIF: Attempting connection...
00:00:05.751 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:05.753 WIF: Attempting connection...
00:00:06.554 QPC: Reset
00:00:06.752 WIF: Checking connection...
00:00:06.754 WIF: Connected
00:00:07.004 HTP: Web server active on blinds_livingroom with IP address
00:00:07.509 HTP: Console
00:00:07.670 RTC: UTC 2021-02-07T05:56:25, DST 2021-03-28T02:00:00, STD 2021-10-31T03:00:00
22:56:26.003 MQT: Attempting connection...
22:56:26.033 MQT: Connected
22:56:26.037 MQT: tele/blinds_livingroom/LWT = Online (retained)
22:56:26.040 MQT: cmnd/blinds_livingroom/POWER = 
22:56:26.042 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/blinds_livingroom/#
22:56:26.045 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/tasmotas/#
22:56:26.047 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/DVES_D9C6B8_fb/#
22:56:26.049 MQT: Subscribe to homeassistant/status
22:56:26.053 MQT: tele/blinds_livingroom/INFO1 = {"Module":"Generic","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_D9C6B8_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"}
22:56:26.060 MQT: tele/blinds_livingroom/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"blinds_livingroom","IPAddress":""}
22:56:26.079 MQT: tele/blinds_livingroom/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":{"Exception":0,"Reason":"Exception","EPC":["4000dce5","00000000","40000f68"],"EXCVADDR":"00000000","DEPC":"00000000","CallChain":["40215dd8","40248f9e","4026e54c","40249baa","4026e559","4026e59e","40246124","40000f49","40000f49","40000f49","40000e19","40105a71","40105a77","4010000d","40266fe8","40266f99","40100a40","40100a40","40102ae9","4010596b","401026b8","4010596b","4010324f","40103430","40103430","401038f2","4000050c","401058b9","4024bf80","4010549e","4024c648"]}}
22:56:26.120 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
22:56:26.125 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/POWER1 = ON
22:56:26.129 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/RESULT = {"POWER2":"OFF"}
22:56:26.136 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/POWER2 = OFF
22:56:26.140 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/RESULT = {"POWER3":"ON"}
22:56:26.145 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/POWER3 = ON
22:56:26.150 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/RESULT = {"POWER4":"OFF"}
22:56:26.156 MQT: stat/blinds_livingroom/POWER4 = OFF
22:56:26.508 APP: Boot Count 34
22:56:27.567 CFG: Saved to flash at F5, Count 157, Bytes 4096

@mikep1998 mikep1998 changed the title with 2 shutters configured the second shutter affects the first shutter. with 2 shutters configured, the second shutter affects the first shutter. Feb 7, 2021
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mikep1998 commented Feb 9, 2021

Found another issue in the shutter code.

line 461 snprintf_P(scmnd, sizeof(scmnd), PSTR(D_CMND_PWM " %d" ),Shutter[i].pwm_value);

this command needs to include the shutter index. Other wise it is always working on shutter 1.

This is now fixed in #10893

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@stefanbode Are you available to work on these issues?

If so how to resolve this:

if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode != SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN) ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index]+2, 1, SRC_SHUTTER);

adds +2 to the relay number. removed this and fixed my code with a servo. Now sure what this line is here for? May break someone else's shutter code.

Change the +2 or just comment out the whole line?


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The idea is to have the servo power on relay 3. That's save energy when the servo do not move. It should be in the docu. Same for the stepper motor. Relay 3 is on the enable pin.

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mikep1998 commented Feb 14, 2021

@stefanbode Thank you for the reply. But you did not answer the question.

How to resolve this bug in the code:

if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode != SHT_TIME_UP_DOWN) ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index]+2, 1, SRC_SHUTTER);

adds +2 to the relay number. Increasing the relay number by 2 which is 1 past the valid relay number for that servo.
Not sure what this line is here for?

@stefanbode How would you fix this?


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The reason is how TASMOTA handle PWM "relays". For these shutters the RELAY1 is ON/OFF, RELAY2 is DIRECTION and RELAY3 is the PWM. You can change this but with default configuration you get an additional relay as soon as you define one PWM. With this line I ensure the PWM is on. Otherwhise neither the stepper nor the servo will work. But I agree there is an issue, if you have 2 or 3 shutter because the PWM are always added to the END. Therefore the "+2" is not correct. I t must depend on the shutter number and the total shutters defined. uff... Maybe there is a better way to get the relay number, if you know it is PWM3.

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@arendst : Do we have a function where I can POWER ON the PWM2. My problem is: depending on the amount of "normal" relays I have no idea on which relay number the PWM2 is defined. I want to have a replacement for the bold one.
ExecuteCommandPowerShutter(Settings.shutter_startrelay[index]+2, 1, SRC_SHUTTER)

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arendst commented Feb 18, 2021

I will investigate. Give some time.

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For the stepper it is ok to untouch it, but for the servo it makes sense to switch it on/off so there is no PWM signal anymore on the servo. In the current commit I removed the line

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@stefanbode thank you for the relay fix.

I still have 1 issue with this configuration. That is system reboot.
I have narrowed it down to this section of code:

  // No Logging allowed. Part of RTC Timer
  // will be calles through RTC every 50ms.
  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity += Shutter[i].accelerator;
  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(0,tmin(Shutter[i].direction==1 ? ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max : 
  if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode == SHT_COUNTER) {
  	Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(100,Shutter[i].pwm_velocity);

When Shutter[i].accelerator is negative and Shutter[i].pwm_velocity goes to 0.
this causes a reboot some where else in the code. I have tried to narrow it down further without success.
The code is very hard to understand with all the ? : ? :.

Have have found that if you Shutter[i].pwm_velocity for 0 and force to 100 then it all works. Although I do not believe this is a final solution.

So changing the code to this seems to have resolved the problem.

  // No Logging allowed. Part of RTC Timer
  // will be calles through RTC every 50ms.
  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity += Shutter[i].accelerator;
  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(100,tmin(Shutter[i].direction==1 ? ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max : 

Do you agree?

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stefanbode commented Feb 19, 2021

@mikep1998 : yes I agree. The PWMfrequency is hardcoded in the Arduino SDK to 100Hz.
Line 36:

You cannot get lower. I already submitted this yesterday as you also posted above in the case of SHT_COUNTER. For all other speed controlled shutter like the SERVO there is no limit of 100. This can and must go down to 0. I tested yesterday with the STEPPER motor and did not get any reboots. I also have a problem understanding why 0 is a problem. The only thing I can image is a WATCHDOG reboot. Please can you try to change the line from:

  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(0,tmin(Shutter[i].direction==1 ? ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max : 


  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(1,tmin(Shutter[i].direction==1 ? ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max : 

1 is the lowest value and it is fine. What kind of shutter mode do you have? where does the error occur?

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@stefanbode Hello,

I am using the shutter code to tilt my blinds. I am controlling a MG995 servo.
I am using a PWMfrequency of 200.

I have tried pwm_velocity values 0, 1, 10, 50, 99 all of these fail with reboot. Only 100 or above work fine. I can not find the reason of the reboot. May be WATCHDOG or DIVIDE by ZERO. If you know how to check which reboot error please tell me how.

The settings I use are:

SetOption80 1
Shuttermode 5
SetOption15 0
PWMfrequency 200
ShutterRelay1 1 // enable first shutter.
ShutterRelay2 3 // enable second shutter.
ShutterPwmRange1 100, 500
ShutterPwmRange2 100, 500
ShutterOpenDuration1 0.5
ShutterOpenDuration2 0.5
ShutterCloseDuration1 0.5
ShutterCloseDuration2 0.5
ShutterMotorDelay1 0.2
ShutterMotorDelay2 0.2
Restart 1

The error occurs when opening or closing the blinds. near the end of movement.

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@stefanbode Hello,

I just loaded the latest developement
This is the resboot reason when one of the shutters starts to move.

16:23:56.085 MQT: tele/blinds_livingroom/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":{"Exception":0,"Reason":"Exception","EPC":["4000dce5","00000000","40000f68"],"EXCVADDR":"00000000","DEPC":"00000000","CallChain":["40215804","4024942e","4026eaa0","4024a0f6","4026eaad","4026eaf2","402465b0","40000f49","40000f49","40000e19","40105a71","40105a77","4010000d","4026753c","402674ed","401058b9","4010549e","40104ded","401053a1","401058b9","40103942","401037c3","4010549e","401058b9","40104ded","40103614","401053a1","40105679","40103942","401037c3","40100a40"]}}

When I change the code to this it works fine. 100 instead of 0.

void ShutterUpdateVelocity(uint8_t i)
  // No Logging allowed. Part of RTC Timer
  // will be calles through RTC every 50ms.
  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity += Shutter[i].accelerator;
  Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(100,tmin(Shutter[i].direction==1 ? ShutterGlobal.open_velocity_max : Shutter[i].close_velocity_max,Shutter[i].pwm_velocity));
  if (ShutterGlobal.position_mode == SHT_COUNTER) {
  	Shutter[i].pwm_velocity = tmax(100,Shutter[i].pwm_velocity);

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Found it. Will fix today

arendst added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 20, 2021
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@stefanbode Hello,

I have tried the latest code with the 2 commits and the Exception 0 is still there.

15:28:49.130 MQT: tele/blinds_livingroom/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":{"Exception":0,"Reason":"Exception","EPC":["4000dce5","00000000","40000f68"],"EXCVADDR":"00000000","DEPC":"00000000","CallChain":["402124a8","4023b8de","40260864","4023c38e","40260871","402608b6","4023917c","40000f49","40000f49","40000f49","40000e19","4010552d","40105533","4010000d","40259304","402592b5","40100784","40100784","40105427","40102174","40105427","40102d0b","40102eec","40100784","401025a5","40102174","4010540f","401045ea","40104a5b","40100784","40104523"]}}

Let me know if you need anything else?

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stefanbode commented Feb 22, 2021

Ok there is a DIV 0 exception when the velocity == 0. This causes the reboot. This is easy to fix. And maybe the 200 as a minimum might also be a solution. Currently, I do see some mistakes in the calculation of the stop-way and stop-time. This causes the velocity==0 before reaching the final position. I have now a testbench with a stepper and a servo because both use the accelerate/decelerate functions but in a very different way.

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OK, removed some fancy functions and streamline the decelerate process. The bug is removed for sure because this was part of the "adaption" procedure that is now completely removed. To Stop the servo or stepper this is now mathematically calculated and not "on the fly" corrected. Please can you give it a try and give feedback. I had some issues with my servo. Sometimes work, sometimes move nothing....

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@stefanbode Hello,

I have tried the latest code from your branch and it works without any errors.

Thanks for the fix.

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Heureka. I was a little bit surprised about your fast servos. My did not work on that openduration.

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mikep1998 commented Feb 22, 2021

My servos are only turning the tilt operation of the blinds. 180 degrees from close to open to close. I have actually extended the time to 10 seconds and now they run quieter.

I'm glad you removed most of the complex code. I don't think Servos need an acceleration or deacceleration you can only slow then down by taking a baby step and then wait and then step again.
Although acceleration and deacceleration maybe good for stepper motors or just motors.


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hi mike. The deceleration is still part also of the servo. Just the calculation is simplified. I agree that there is no ramp required if the load on the servo is low. If you have heavy mass to move the ramp really helps to keep your servo healthy.

last not least: please can you close the case. THX

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@arendst I am trying to make 2 shutters working on a board with 4 relays
I did:
SetOption80 1
ShutterRelay1 1
ShutterRelay2 1
Interlock 1,2 3,4

but relays 3 and 4 never gets interlocked. Can you advise?

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The shutterrelay2 must be 3. it is always the first relay to assign to the shuttergroup.

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