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IndexedDB-WebSQL abstraction API.


MSQTA.ORM is free and open source software distributed under the BSD License.


In order to build MSQTA.ORM run the following command: (you need the packages dryice and shelljs)

$ node build.js

The final .js will be located in the ./release directory.

How to use it

Just place a script tag pointing to wherever you have msqta.orm.js build file:

	<script src="msqta.orm.js"></script>

Getting started

Remember this: MSQTA.ORM stores js objects into schemas, and you do NOT need to care about what is the current version number of my database?, MSQTA.ORM it will take care of this.

A js object, is just a that, for example:

	{ name: 'John Doe', age: 12, food: [ 'pizza', 'hamburger' ] }

A schema is like a table that holds these objects, and every property name that composes the object refers to a field (column) name of that schema, each field support a particular variable type, these are:

  • string
  • integer
  • float
  • array
  • object
  • boolean
  • date
  • time
  • datetime

Every schema (a table) are placed into a database, creating the database is the first step that you need to do.

Creating a database

Creating is also opening a database, you only create a database the first time that you invock it. So to create/open a database do this:

	var db = new MSQTA.ORM( settings, [callback], [context] );

settings is an object with the following information:

  • name: the name of the database.
  • devMode (optional): output to the browser console what MSQTA.ORM are doing.
  • prefered (optional): some browsers supports WebSQL and IndexedDB, use this field to force it to use a specific implementation, if the browser don't support the prefered implementation it will use the implementation that it really support.
  • forceDestroy (optional): only useful in dev stage, it drop the named database to be recreated again, brings to you always an empty database. This only possible with an IndexedDB implementation.

[callback] an function to be called with a specified [context] after the database is created/opened, it will receibe as param a status code (true or false) if the creation/opening was successful or not.

Also you can omit the settings object and just pass a the database name string.

	var db = new MSQTA.ORM( 'test.db', [callback], [context] );

Creating a schema

A schema is just like a table, to set a schema do this:

	var schema = new db.Schema( definition, [options] )

definition is an object that dictates the name of the schema, its fields (columns) and the primary key, for example something like this (all are required):

	name: 'clients',
	fields: {
		id: { type: 'integer' },
		name: { type: 'string', index: true },
		email: { type: 'string' },
		tel: { type: 'string', allowNull: true, index: true },
		address: { type: 'string' },
		comments: { type: 'string' }
	primaryKey: 'id'
  • name: name of the schema
  • fields: the columns definition of the schema according to this:
	name_of_the_field(column): { 
		type: 'string|integer|float|object|array|boolean|date|time|datetime', // the field type
		index: true|false, // use this field as an index? (optional)
		unique: true|false, // only unique values are permitted? (optional)
		allowNull: true|false // can i store the null value? (optional)
  • primaryKey: the name of the field (column) that is the primary key. You always has to specified a primary key and it must be of the type integer!

options (optional): an object that with the following information:

  • forceDestroy: destroy the current schema to be recreated again, its useful is you want always an empty table.
  • forceEmpty: this is a like forceDestroy, but will the difference that this one will not drop the schema, instead it will just empty that schema
  • callback: a function to be called after the schema is setted with...
  • context: ...a specified context

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: When you change a schema field type, MSQTA.ORM will recast the current values of that field to the new specified type, so in theory you will never lost information, for example if is the previously field type was string and now is integer, all the current values will casted to 0 or maybe null is the property allowNull is setted up.

If you are no interested about the options object, you can initialize a new schema, like this way:

	var schema = new db.Schema( definition, [callback], [context] );


Putting values on a schema (Schema#put)

This is like doing an INSERT INTO... on a speficied schema (a table). To do so, do this:

	schema.put( {
		name: 'Juan Perez',
		email: '[email protected]',
		tel: '111945045406'
	}, [callback], [context] );

schema is the variable that MSQTA.ORM returns to you, when you instanciate an schema. Remember that all values need to be casted to the specified column type, so for example is the column type is string and you pass to it the integer 1343 it will casted to "1343", if the value is casted to a non-value, the zero value of that column is will used, for example in the case of string, an empty string will be used it.

You can also put multilpes objects (rows), by passing array that contains severals object to be stored.

	schema.put( [ { name: 'Elvis' }, { name: 'John' }, { name: 'Laura' } ], [callback], [context] );

The callback will be receibe a param that is the ID of the newly inserted row.

Setting values on a schema (Schema#set)

This is like a UPDATE table SET col = value WHERE id = 1.

To do so, do this:

	schema.set( {
		data: {
			tel: '111945045406'
		target: {
			id: 1
	}, [callback], [context] );

To set (update) an exisiting object (row), the update object must be contains two propeties:

  • data: an object that contains the fields (columns) to be updated
  • target: an oject that contains the fields with an specified value, that is used to detect what objects needs to be updated.

So in this example, it says, find the object(s) (rows) will the field (column) id that is equal to 1, and then update its field (column) tel to the value '111945045406'

You can also set (update) multiple objects (rows) at a single call, by passing an array that contains multiple update objects.

	schema.set( [ { data: { name: 'Elvis' }, target: { id: 1 } }, { { data: name: 'John' }, target: { id: 2 } } ], [callback], [context] );

The callback will be receibe a param that is the count of affected rows.

Deleting on a schema (Schema#del)

This is like a DELETE FROM table WHERE id = 1, just know that you can only delete by a primary key value!

To delete an object (row) do this:

	schema.del( 1, [callback], [context] );

You can also delete various objects (rows) at a single call by passing an array, like this:

	schema.del( [ 1, 2, 3 ], [callback], [context] );

The callback will be receibe a param that is the count of affected rows.

Truncating on a schema (Schema#empty)

This is like a TRUNCATE TABLE table.

To do so, do this:

	schema.empty( [callback], [context] );

Deleting a schema (Schema#destroy)

This is like a DROP TABLE table.

To do so, do this:

	schema.destroy( [callback], [context] );

Just know that also the schema instance will be dimmed!



Retrieves all records.

	schema.getAll( [callback], [context] );


Retrieves all records that have any of its fields values equals to searchValue.

	schema.get( searchValue, [callback], [context] );
  • searchValue: a string used to do the comparsion.


Retrieves all records where the specified indexName that must to refers to a field that also must be an index where its value is equals to searchValue.

	schema.getByIndex( indexName, searchValue, [ callback ], [ context ] );
  • indexName: a string that referes to field that must be also an index or the primary key.
  • searchValue: can be a string OR an array with multiple strings used to do the comparsion.


Retrieves all records where the specified indexName that must to refers to a field that also must be an index where its value falls in the specified range.

	schema.getByIndex( indexName, rangeData, [ callback ], [ context ] );
  • indexName: a string that referes to field that must be also an index or the primary key.
  • rangeData: an object that its properties name are operators of the types: >|<|>=|<=|=, for example, something like this:
	{ '>': '2010-10-10', '<': '2010-10-31' }

Check this example:

	schema.getByIndexWithRange( 'date', { '>': '2010-10-10', '<': '2010-10-31' }, [ callback ], [ context ] );

This says, get all the records where its field/index date value falls into the range date > '2010-10-10' && date < '2010-10-31', thinking in sql this will translate to:

	SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE date > '2010-10-10' AND date < '2010-10-31'


Retrieves all records where any of its fields are like the specified one, this like using the LIKE %string% operator from the sql standard.

	schema.getWithLike( fieldsName, likeData, [ callback ], [ context ] );
  • fieldsName: a string OR an array with fields name used to do the comparision.
  • likeData: an object with the following information:
		// where to put the % operator
		'start|end|both': 'a string value'

Check this example

	schema.getWithLike( 'name', { end: 'doe' }, [ callback ], [ context ] );

Thinking in sql, this will translate to:

	SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE name LIKE "%doe"


Retrieves all records that sastifies wherever you do in filterCallback

	schema.getByCallback( filterCallback, [ callback ], [ context ] );
  • filterCallback: will receibe at every iteration of the results set that MSQTA.ORM is currently processing, the current record, you only has to return true or false, to tells to MSQTA.ORM that this record must be part of the final results set or not.

Database methods


Use these method to destroy a database, this only works on a IndexedDB implementation, it does not supported by WebSQL. Also note, that the ORM instance will be dimmed aswell.

	db.destroy( [callback], [context] );


Very useful method, use to wrapped out severals CRUD operations (put, set and del) in differents schemas that conforms the database, in a single call.

	db.batch( data, [callback], [context] );

data is an object that contains the following setup:

  • schema: an instance of a database schema, the one that you get with new db.Schema()
  • type: a string that dictates the schema operation type: put, set or del
  • data: an object that will be submitted to the put, set and del methods, this is the first param of all these method, please refers to its corresponding explications to know how this object must be conformed.


  • MSQTA.ORM don't offers the posibility to do joins, to simulate this situation you have to filter by the field that acts as a foreign key, by using any of the quering methods.
  • Primary keys must be of the type integer and cannot be ommited. Composite primary keys are not supported.
  • Indexes must be of any type except array and object.
  • Only a single active connection to a database is supported.


IndexedDB-WebSQL abstraction API






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