This document describes the steps to run the Linked Data Theatre with Docker.
A complete dockercompose
file is already part of the Linked Data Theatre. The dockercompose
file exists of 2 services/Docker containers:
- Tomcat container
- Virtuoso container
- Make sure you have a recent docker installation (
- Install Maven
At the command line execute the following command:
docker network create ldt
Start the containers with (the first time, the containers will be build, this can take some time):
docker-compose up
Now virtuoso should be running (http://localhost:8890/conductor/) and Tomcat should be running but without LDT yet.
This step is only necessary if you use Virtuoso as a backend. Note that some functionality (mainly backstage and containers) is not available if you use a different backend.
Execute the following commands from your local machine:
docker cp stored-procs/create_procedures.sql virtuoso:/var/tmp
docker exec -it virtuoso sh -c 'isql -U dba -P dba < /var/tmp/create_procedures.sql'
The default setup assumes Virtuoso and Tomcat run on the same server, but with Docker they communicate through the docker network. The LDT should be configured to use virtuoso
(hostname) instead of localhost
In the file src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml
, replace localhost
with virtuoso
In the file src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/resources/apps/ldt/config.xml
theatre env="dev" configuration-endpoint="" local-endpoint="" sparql="yes"
theatre env="dev" configuration-endpoint="http://virtuoso:8890/sparql" local-endpoint="http://virtuoso:8890/sparql" sparql="yes"
(For this step Maven should be installed; another options is to download the LDT war release, see
To build LDT with Maven, do (TODO implement in Maven instead of separate script):
- Now ldt is up and running, so open the backstage in your browser with the url: http://localhost:8080/backstage
- Press import and select the file the basic-configuration.ttl
- Press Upload.
- Now LDT front could be opened in your browser with: http://localhost:8080/ldt/