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Archie L. Cobbs edited this page Aug 28, 2015 · 2 revisions

Contributing to Ivy RoundUp is easy and helps Ivy users everywhere

The main work required is adding new modules and new revisions of existing modules. All that is required for a new revision is an ivy.xml file and a packager.xml file. The format of packager.xml files is documented here.

If the module already exists (i.e., you're just adding a new revision), typically all you need to do is copy the files from the previous revision and update the release timestamp and resource SHA1 checksums.

For new modules, there are plenty of examples to work from. But you should always start with an SVN copy of the boilerplate files (here are the versions for Maven).

Note that Ivy RoundUp has separate source (under src/modules) and repository (under repo/modules) trees. All of the files under repo are automatically generated. The files in the source tree are slightly different from normal ivy.xml and packager.xml files. For example, they don't specify organisation="...", module="...", or revision="...". Instead, this information gets added automatically during the build process based on the parent (revision), grandparent (module), and great-grandparent (organization) directory names.

Please create a pull request to submit new or updated modules.

Please follow these guidelines when creating pull requests:

  1. Include only the changes to src/modules, not repo (the contents of which are automatically generated)
  2. Read and understand the ModuleMaintainerGuidelines.
  3. Make sure that running ant repo with your new files in place under src/modules doesn't generate any (new) warnings or errors.
  4. Make sure that running ant -Dresolve.mod=foo doesn't generate any errors (where "foo" is the name of your module; you can also use and/or resolve.rev; these properties also accept specify multiple names separated by commas)
  5. Don't forget to set the "publication" attribute to the release date of the module.

If you're interested in developing the Ivy RoundUp infrastructure, or becoming a regular contributor with SVN commit access, join us on the mailing list.
