A small app to display reference images for artists. Inspired by GestureDrawing3, but with the ability to filter the displayed files, and designed to play well with TagSpaces.
- Bring your own art reference folder
- Search Filter: Filter your reference by search criteria
- Blacklist: Hides images you don't want showing up again
- Block List: Hides images matching a block list
- Multiple Session Modes
- Fixed Length: Tell TagRef how many images to show and how long to show each
- Class Session: 3 Pre-structured classes composed of sets of drawings interspersed with breaks
- No Time Limits: Just show all the images, and use the next and previous buttons to navigate whenever you want
- Structured: Build your own schedule of image sets and breaks.
- Image Transformations
- Randomly Flip Horizontal: effectively doubles your gesture library
- Randomly Flip Vertical: make yourself focus on the shapes and not symbols
- Grayscale: Focus on the values and tones, remove distracting color information
- Non-distracting LAB 18% gray background, helpful for value studies
- Save and load session files
I made this because I needed it. If TagRef helped you, please consider donating.
Bitcoin: 3BjKNt5XH7w2TRGKbhpr1F7Pc54qEHcc7P
Paypal: Payal.me/voidspiral