This repository is for camunda springboot postgres integration with authorization enabled.
- Camunda Authorization (Basic auth)
- Postgres 11 integrated
- HikariCP Connection pooling
- BPMN Models auto deployment enabled
- Camunda Rest api enabled
- Camunda Webapps included
Main Class (Bootstrap):
@SpringBootApplication @EnableProcessApplication public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) {; } }
Camunda Basic Authentication:
@Configuration public class CamundaSecurityFilter { @Bean public FilterRegistrationBean<Filter> processEngineAuthenticationFilter() { FilterRegistrationBean<Filter> registration = new FilterRegistrationBean<>(); registration.setName("camunda-auth"); registration.setFilter(getProcessEngineAuthenticationFilter()); registration.addInitParameter("authentication-provider", ""); registration.addUrlPatterns("/*"); registration.setOrder(1); return registration; } @Bean public Filter getProcessEngineAuthenticationFilter() { return new ProcessEngineAuthenticationFilter(); } }
Process Deployment descriptor
<process-application xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""> <process-archive> <resource>process.bpmn</resource> <properties> <property name="isDeleteUponUndeploy">false</property> <property name="isScanForProcessDefinitions">true</property> <property name="javaSerializationFormatEnabled">true</property> </properties> </process-archive> </process-application>
Below softwares need to be installed in the system before running this application.
Software | Version |
Java | 1.8 |
Postgres | 11 |
Maven | 3.6.x |
Spring Tool Suite | 4 |
Clone this project into your local machine
git clone
Run this command from command prompt:
mvn clean install
Import the project as existing maven project
Create an empty database in postgres with name camundaworkflow
CREATE DATABASE camundaworkflow;
Update the application.yml file for db credentials
server: port: 9091 spring: application: name: camundapostgres jpa: database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQL9Dialect datasource: type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/camundaworkflow username: postgres password: postgres hikari: jdbc-url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/camundaworkflow username: postgres password: postgres driver-class-name: org.postgresql.Driver pool-name: HikariCP idle-timeout: 3000 minimum-idle: 10 maximum-pool-size: 20 connection-timeout: 2000 connection-test-query: select 1 transaction-isolation: TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED camunda: bpm: enabled: true #process-engine-name: andromeda admin-user: id: demo password: demo email: [email protected] first-name: Andromeda last-name: Galaxy database: schema-update: true filter: create: All authorization: enabled: true history-level: full auto-deployment-enabled: true default-number-of-retries: 3 job-execution: enabled: true webapp: application-path: /camundapostgres
Run as Spring boot application from STS IDE.
From the browser access the cockpit as:
It will prompt the popup for basic auth since we enabled camunda basic auth. Input the credentials as:
Camunda rest api will be accessed like:
Camunda rest api authorization details are:
Webapps context-path: