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refactor: move detection of dev/direct deps to dep parser
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DmitriyLewen committed Jul 25, 2024
1 parent cdebe92 commit 6e34f8b
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Showing 2 changed files with 75 additions and 142 deletions.
68 changes: 53 additions & 15 deletions pkg/dependency/parser/nodejs/yarn/parse.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ func ignoreProtocol(protocol string) bool {
return false

func parseResults(patternIDs map[string]string, dependsOn map[string][]string) (deps []ftypes.Dependency) {
func parseResults(patternIDs map[string]string, dependsOn map[string][]string) (deps ftypes.Dependencies) {
// find dependencies by patterns
for pkgID, depPatterns := range dependsOn {
depIDs := lo.Map(depPatterns, func(pattern string, index int) string {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,9 +271,15 @@ func parseDependency(line string) (string, error) {

func (p *Parser) Parse(r xio.ReadSeekerAt) ([]ftypes.Package, []ftypes.Dependency, error) {
func (p *Parser) Parse(r xio.ReadSeekerAt, pkgJsonDirect, pkgJsonDirectDev map[string]string) ([]ftypes.Package, []ftypes.Dependency, error) {
lineNumber := 1
var pkgs []ftypes.Package
var pkgs = make(map[string]ftypes.Package)
var directPkgs, directDevPkgs []string

// Package.json file of project contains direct/direct Dev deps in key-value format (`name`->`version constraint` e.g. `"js-tokens": "^2.0.0"`)
// We need to get pattern to match packageID and pattern when parsing packages
directPatterns := lo.MapToSlice(pkgJsonDirect, func(name string, ver string) string { return packageID(name, ver) })
directDevPatterns := lo.MapToSlice(pkgJsonDirectDev, func(name string, ver string) string { return packageID(name, ver) })

// patternIDs holds mapping between patterns and library IDs
// e.g. ajv@^6.5.5 => [email protected]
Expand All @@ -291,12 +299,19 @@ func (p *Parser) Parse(r xio.ReadSeekerAt) ([]ftypes.Package, []ftypes.Dependenc

pkgID := packageID(lib.Name, lib.Version)
pkg := ftypes.Package{
ID: pkgID,
Name: lib.Name,
Version: lib.Version,
Locations: []ftypes.Location{lib.Location},
for _, pattern := range lib.Patterns {
// Use `<pkg_name>@latest` ID for packages with `pattern` that uses `latest` version.
// This is necessary to find direct dependencies when matching against the associated `package.json` file.
// pkg.ID will be updated to Trivy ID format (`<pkgName>@<pkgVersion>`) later after checking `package.json` file.
if _, ver, _ := strings.Cut(pattern, "@"); ver == "latest" {
pkgID = pattern
// Update `Relationship` and `Dev` fields for Direct pkgs
if slices.Contains(directDevPatterns, pattern) {
directDevPkgs = append(directDevPkgs, pkgID)
if slices.Contains(directPatterns, pattern) {
directPkgs = append(directPkgs, pkgID)
// e.g.
// combined-stream@^1.0.6 => [email protected]
Expand All @@ -307,12 +322,7 @@ func (p *Parser) Parse(r xio.ReadSeekerAt) ([]ftypes.Package, []ftypes.Dependenc

pkgs = append(pkgs, ftypes.Package{
ID: pkgID,
Name: lib.Name,
Version: lib.Version,
Locations: []ftypes.Location{lib.Location},
pkgs[pkgID] = pkg

if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
Expand All @@ -322,7 +332,35 @@ func (p *Parser) Parse(r xio.ReadSeekerAt) ([]ftypes.Package, []ftypes.Dependenc
// Replace dependency patterns with library IDs
// e.g. ajv@^6.5.5 => [email protected]
deps := parseResults(patternIDs, dependsOn)
return pkgs, deps, nil

// Walk to dependsOn and update `relationship` and `Dev` fields
depsMap := lo.SliceToMap(deps, func(dep ftypes.Dependency) (string, []string) { return dep.ID, dep.DependsOn })
for _, pkgID := range directDevPkgs {
walkDependencies(pkgs, pkgID, depsMap, ftypes.RelationshipDirect, true)
for _, pkgID := range directPkgs {
walkDependencies(pkgs, pkgID, depsMap, ftypes.RelationshipDirect, false)

pkgSlice := lo.Values(pkgs)

return pkgSlice, deps, nil

func walkDependencies(pkgs map[string]ftypes.Package, pkgID string, deps map[string][]string, relationship ftypes.Relationship, dev bool) {
pkg := pkgs[pkgID]
// Update pkg fields
pkg.Relationship = relationship
pkg.Indirect = lo.Ternary(relationship == ftypes.RelationshipDirect, false, true)
pkg.Dev = dev
pkgs[pkgID] = pkg

// Update child dependencies
for _, depID := range deps[pkgID] {
walkDependencies(pkgs, depID, deps, ftypes.RelationshipIndirect, dev)

func packageID(name, version string) string {
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149 changes: 22 additions & 127 deletions pkg/fanal/analyzer/language/nodejs/yarn/yarn.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,12 @@ import (


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +45,7 @@ var fragmentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(\S+):(@?.*?)(@(.*?)|)$`)
type yarnAnalyzer struct {
logger *log.Logger
packageJsonParser *packagejson.Parser
lockParser language.Parser
lockParser *yarn.Parser
comparer npm.Comparer
license *license.License
Expand All @@ -70,8 +68,18 @@ func (a yarnAnalyzer) PostAnalyze(_ context.Context, input analyzer.PostAnalysis

err := fsutils.WalkDir(input.FS, ".", required, func(filePath string, d fs.DirEntry, r io.Reader) error {
// Detect direct and direct dev dependencies to use them when parsing yarn lock file
packageJsonPath := path.Join(path.Dir(filePath), types.NpmPkg)
directDeps, directDevDeps, err := a.parsePackageJsonDependencies(input.FS, packageJsonPath)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
a.logger.Debug("package.json not found", log.FilePath(packageJsonPath))
} else if err != nil {
a.logger.Warn("Unable to parse package.json to remove dev dependencies",
log.FilePath(packageJsonPath), log.Err(err))

// Parse yarn.lock
app, err := a.parseYarnLock(filePath, r)
app, err := a.parseYarnLock(filePath, r, directDeps, directDevDeps)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("parse error: %w", err)
} else if app == nil {
Expand All @@ -83,12 +91,6 @@ func (a yarnAnalyzer) PostAnalyze(_ context.Context, input analyzer.PostAnalysis
a.logger.Debug("Unable to traverse licenses", log.Err(err))

// Parse package.json alongside yarn.lock to find direct deps and mark dev deps
if err = a.analyzeDependencies(input.FS, path.Dir(filePath), app); err != nil {
a.logger.Warn("Unable to parse package.json to remove dev dependencies",
log.FilePath(path.Join(path.Dir(filePath), types.NpmPkg)), log.Err(err))

// Fill licenses
for i, lib := range app.Packages {
if l, ok := licenses[lib.ID]; ok {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,128 +154,21 @@ func (a yarnAnalyzer) Version() int {
return version

func (a yarnAnalyzer) parseYarnLock(filePath string, r io.Reader) (*types.Application, error) {
return language.Parse(types.Yarn, filePath, r, a.lockParser)
type pkgJsonDeps struct {
directDeps map[string]string
directDevDeps map[string]string

// analyzeDependencies analyzes the package.json file next to yarn.lock,
// distinguishing between direct and transitive dependencies as well as production and development dependencies.
func (a yarnAnalyzer) analyzeDependencies(fsys fs.FS, dir string, app *types.Application) error {
packageJsonPath := path.Join(dir, types.NpmPkg)
directDeps, directDevDeps, err := a.parsePackageJsonDependencies(fsys, packageJsonPath)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
a.logger.Debug("package.json not found", log.FilePath(packageJsonPath))
return nil
} else if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unable to parse %s: %w", dir, err)

// yarn.lock file can contain same packages with different versions
// save versions separately for version comparison by comparator
pkgIDs := lo.SliceToMap(app.Packages, func(pkg types.Package) (string, types.Package) {
return pkg.ID, pkg

// Walk prod dependencies
pkgs, err := a.walkDependencies(app.Packages, pkgIDs, directDeps, false)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unable to walk dependencies: %w", err)

// Walk dev dependencies
devPkgs, err := a.walkDependencies(app.Packages, pkgIDs, directDevDeps, true)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unable to walk dependencies: %w", err)

// Merge prod and dev dependencies.
// If the same package is found in both prod and dev dependencies, use the one in prod.
pkgs = lo.Assign(devPkgs, pkgs)

pkgSlice := lo.MapToSlice(pkgs, func(_ string, pkg types.Package) types.Package {
// Use Trivy ID format for dependencies with `latest` version in `ID` (`version` field contains the correct version)
if verFromID(pkg.ID) == latestVersion {
pkg.ID = dependency.ID(types.Yarn, pkg.Name, pkg.Version)
return pkg

// Save packages
app.Packages = pkgSlice
return nil
func (d pkgJsonDeps) Parse(r xio.ReadSeekerAt) ([]types.Package, []types.Dependency, error) {
return yarn.NewParser().Parse(r, d.directDeps, d.directDevDeps)

func (a yarnAnalyzer) walkDependencies(pkgs []types.Package, pkgIDs map[string]types.Package,
directDeps map[string]string, dev bool) (map[string]types.Package, error) {

// Identify direct dependencies
directPkgs := make(map[string]types.Package)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
constraint, ok := directDeps[pkg.Name]
if !ok {

if constraint == latestVersion {
// pkgID with `latest` version uses `<pkgName>@latest` format.
if verFromID(pkg.ID) != latestVersion {
} else {
// Handle aliases
// cf.
if m := fragmentRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(constraint); len(m) == 5 {
pkg.Name = m[2] // original name
constraint = m[4]

// npm has own comparer to compare versions
if match, err := a.comparer.MatchVersion(pkg.Version, constraint); err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unable to match version for %s", pkg.Name)
} else if !match {

// Mark as a direct dependency
pkg.Indirect = false
pkg.Relationship = types.RelationshipDirect
pkg.Dev = dev
directPkgs[pkg.ID] = pkg


// Walk indirect dependencies
for _, pkg := range directPkgs {
a.walkIndirectDependencies(pkg, pkgIDs, directPkgs)

return directPkgs, nil

func verFromID(id string) string {
_, ver, _ := strings.Cut(id, "@")
return ver

func (a yarnAnalyzer) walkIndirectDependencies(pkg types.Package, pkgIDs, deps map[string]types.Package) {
for _, pkgID := range pkg.DependsOn {
if _, ok := deps[pkgID]; ok {

dep, ok := pkgIDs[pkgID]
if !ok {

dep.Indirect = true
dep.Relationship = types.RelationshipIndirect
dep.Dev = pkg.Dev
deps[dep.ID] = dep
a.walkIndirectDependencies(dep, pkgIDs, deps)
func (a yarnAnalyzer) parseYarnLock(filePath string, r io.Reader, directDeps, directDevDeps map[string]string) (*types.Application, error) {
pkgJson := pkgJsonDeps{
directDeps: directDeps,
directDevDeps: directDevDeps,
return language.Parse(types.Yarn, filePath, r, pkgJson)

func (a yarnAnalyzer) parsePackageJsonDependencies(fsys fs.FS, filePath string) (map[string]string, map[string]string, error) {
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