This project was forked from SeleniumExtend at . SeleniumExtend was written for Selenium 1.0, and did not match the new paradigms of Selenium 2.0/Webdriver. As such, there were a few major changes:
- Removed all references to Selenium, and replaced with WebDriver/JavascriptExecutor
- (In Progress) Remove all fireEvent logic. This was removed from WebDriver (Though you can still do it, it's just harder) because a user is not able to fireEvents. A user can only use the mouse or keyboard.
The new WebElement paradigm is taken from The new ByExtJsComp, ByExtJsQuery etc should be made in a likes of ByAngular from
- Set up maven-surefire for "mvn integration test" and create a few tests
- Set up a build system (travis-ci)
- Decide if we want to pre-inject the page with our javascript methods or do everything on the fly. (Decided - on the fly)
- Create and implement ByExtJsComp, ByExtJsQuery a la ngWebDriver
- Inject all Javascript on the fly
- Remove all methods that fire events.
- Make Chart class and merge in tests from another project.
- Publish artifacts?
- Should the JS just be saved in regular Strings? Ex. String code = "doSomeComplexCode()" + "lotsOfComplexLinesOfCode();
- Or Should the JS be saved per file - /src/main/resources/.../findElement.js = "namespace.function = ...."
Save the JS in java strings for most/small functions. If they are very large, use JS Files.
- Should you be able to do ".getEL()"; and expect it to return a stuff OR do we force "return extCmp.getEl();"
right now the answer is force "return..."
None right now.
Load as needed.