- Scheme of phantom type ascriptions for constraints on MemoryProtectionOptions combinations
import WHF.Utilities
import WHF.Data.Bits
import WHF.Memory
import WHF.Memory.MemoryState as MS
import WHF.Memory.MemoryBasicInfo as MBI
import WHF.Memory.MemoryProtectionOptions as MPO
import System.IO
import System.Win32
import Control.Applicative
getActiveMemblocks :: HANDLE -> Addr -> IO [MemoryBasicInfo]
getActiveMemblocks hProc lpAddr =
getMemoryInfo hProc lpAddr >>= \case
Nothing -> pure []
Just mbi -> if
| size == 0 -> pure []
| isActive -> fmap (mbi :) rest
| otherwise -> rest
size = MBI.regionSize mbi
isActive = (MBI.protect mbi .&&. MPO.writable) && (MBI.state mbi == MemCommit)
rest = getActiveMemblocks hProc (lpAddr @+ size)
dump :: MemoryBasicInfo -> IO ()
dump mbi = do
putStrLn $ "# Block at " ++ show (MBI.baseAddress mbi)
putStrLn $ "- Region size: " ++ show (MBI.regionSize mbi)
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
putStr "Input PID: "
pid <- readLn
putStrLn "Trying to open process..."
handle <- openProcess pROCESS_ALL_ACCESS False pid
putStrLn "Trying to retrieve active memory blocks..."
memblocks <- getActiveMemblocks handle nullPtr
mapM_ dump memblocks
putStrLn "Sucess!"