- better context menu, fold close and split menus, and unfold Show In Explorer
- fix navigation bar only shows the file name When focus is moved to the find toolbar
- better navigation bar color, highlight package name
- run pane Remove print button, make room for clear button.
- run pane Add "Scroll To End" context menu.
- run pane Auto restore find toolbar and restore search term.
- better drag-and-sort on tabbar, will need more distance to drag out.
- alter drag out bottom panes effect from floating mode to maximized windowed mode.
- fix intellij toolwindow maximize not working for windowed mode.
- use right-click-drag on the line number margin to resize tool windows (Projects, Structure panes etc).
- prevent jumping to first error after build failed If current caret is near the error line +- 2 or If has selection.
- todo ...
Never mind, I'll just upload the package.
Besides, I believe that warm communication is more important than facing cold code.