Provider for for the OpenShift machine-api.
go get -u "${RELEASE}"
go get -u "${RELEASE}"
go get -u "${RELEASE}"
go mod tidy
# Update the CRDs required for testing on a local non-OCP cluster
make sync-crds
# Apply required upstream CRDs
kubectl apply -k config/crds
make run
# Apply a generic machine object that will not join a cluster
kubectl apply -f config/samples/machine-cloudscale-generic.yml
# Switch to the openshift-machine-api namespace
yq -i '.current-context as $cc | with((.contexts[] | select(.name == $cc) | .context); .namespace = "openshift-machine-api")' ${KUBECONFIG:-$HOME/.kube/config}
# Become system:admin
yq -i '.current-context as $cc | (.contexts[] | select(.name == $cc) | .context.user) as $cu | with(.users[] | select(.name == $cu); = "system:admin")' ${KUBECONFIG:-$HOME/.kube/config}
oc whoami
# Deploy nodelink controller if required
# Generate the userData secret from the in the cluster catalog
./pkg/machine/userdata/ manifests/openshift4-terraform/ | k apply -f-
make run
# Apply a known working machine object
# This will join the cluster and become a worker node
# You want to update:
# - metadata.labels[""]
# -
# - spec.providerSpec.value.baseDomain
# - spec.providerSpec.value.image
# - spec.providerSpec.value.interfaces[0].networkUUID
kubectl apply -f config/samples/machine-cloudscale-known-working.yml