Watches Twitter statuses with a keyword, and reports them to Discord.
One of these:
- .NET 5.x
- Docker 20.10.x
$ docker run
$ git clone
$ cd twatch/Twatch
$ dotnet publish -c Release -o out
$ dotnet ./out/Twatch.dll
Write appsettings.local.json to configure the application.
Optionally refer appsettings.json for example.
On Docker, use attach it as volume mounted to /app/appsettings.local.json
- (root)
- Twitter: Configurations for Twitter.
- ConsumerKey: Your consumer key for Twitter API.
- ConsumerSecret: Your consumer secret.
- AccessToken: This application requires user-scoped token.
- AccessTokenSecret: ... and secret.
- Keyword: A keyword to watch about.
- Discord: Configurations for Discord.
- WebhookUrl: The URL to Webhook of the channel.
- Twitter: Configurations for Twitter.
Made with π in Matsudo, Chiba, Japan
Β© 2021 Naoki Ikeguchi, Approvers.