This is a quick starter repo for new React projects. It's mainly for myself but if you find it useful please use / fork as you wish.
This starter makes use of:
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd react-redux-express-docker
Install npm dependencies:
npm install
Start the project at http://localhost:3000
npm start
docker build -t react-starter .
docker run -p 80:9000 --name react-starter-instance react-starter
npm test
This starter is simply the out of the box Create React App with a few of the key additions you will need to have a full functioning app running on a server.
Create React App ReadMe is very comprehensive, use that for help on how to run and tweak things under the hood.
React Router v3 is used for client side routing.
ExpressJS is used to put the Production Build from Create React App into a server environment for the server side routing.
Docker is used for deployment to a wide variety of web hosts.